Mountain Hall

From Tales from Wilderland, by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan and Francesco Nepitello
Mountain Hall lies in the West Aunduin Vales, and is the main settlement of the Woodmen west of the Great River. Nestled in a long steep-sided valley near the head of the river Icewater., the village itself is located where the river loops around an area of grassland set against the stony shoulder of the mountains. Mountain Hall is Called Firienseld in the local tongue, and is a fortified town built atop their mines. It needs every wall and trench, as the Goblins often threaten the Hall. However, it is not protected by a stockade or bridge, as the watercourse has been widened and deepened to make the village accessible only by a dirt road cut along the stream where it passes closest to the rock face.


Mountain Hall is almost entirely Men, although there are usually a handful of Dwarves present as part of trade relations.


Mountain Hall is led by Hartfast, son of Hartmut and Head of the House

Industry & Trade

Mountain Hall has many mines delving west in the Misty Mountains. They mostly provide iron, copper and tin, which are valued by the Men of the Eastern Vales and Woodman Town.


Almost entirely stone, with wooden roofs.


Mountainous and steep-sloped.

Natural Resources

Firienfeld possesses stone and iron in abundance. There are also fields that provide food for the inhabitants, although arable cropland is somewhat limited and rainfall is the climate is somewhat dry.


  • Mine of Mountain Hall
    The mine of Mountain Hall is the reason for Mountain Hall being founded in the Misty Mountains, and it has been delved steadily ever since. Iron and other metals are mined and traded with both the Woodmen as well as with the Beornings in exchange for food and other goods.

    Occasionally gold and even gemstones have been found in the mines, but this has never been the primary goal - this is more the desire of Dwarves than Men.

  • Mountain Hall
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Woodmen of Mountain Hall
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