Mountain Pass

Illustration: By Neral - Own work -, CC BY 3.0,
Also known as Cirith Enid or the Middle Pass, Mountain Pass is the most recently opened passage over the Misty Mountains to the Anduin Vales. It was scouted out and charted in 2941. After the High Pass was deemed too dangerous for travel, a more direct route to Woodland Hall was sought out that went far enough south to avoid the increasing threat of Goblins. Cirith Enid become a common way to pass over the Mountains for several years. Following the Battle of Five Armies, the goblin population in the mountains was much reduced and travelers began using the High Pass again, particularly if traveling to Esgaroth, Erebor or Dale.


Traversing the Mountain Pass takes several days. The highest parts of the Pass have snow year-round. Food can be scarce, and travelers should bring at least one day's worth of fuel when above the treeline.
Alternative Name(s)
Cirith Enid
Mountain Pass
Related Reports (Primary)