Rules: Chases

  1. The group who runs has a Starting Lead equal to the highest Travel/Movement skill among its members. Optional: If time is being used as the Lead, 4 hours = 1 Lead.
  2. The pursuing group can make one Hunting skill check in the morning and another one in the afternoon (TN based on the difficulty of the terrain). If no success is scored, the group cannot move, as it doesn’t know which direction to follow. Raise the Lead by 1. For every Eye rolled (even if the roll wasn’t a failure), the Lead also raises by 1.

  3. Free Lands (Easy) Border Lands (Moderate) Wild Lands (Hard) Shadow Lands (Severe) Dark Lands (Daunting)
    12 14 16 18 20
  4. If at least one Hunting check was successful, the pursuing group can continue the chase. Succeeding in a Hunting check doesn’t reduce the Lead.
  5. The pursuing group can Force the March to catch up with the running group. Every character has to roll one Athletics (TN based on the difficulty of the terrain) per day. A failure means an increase in Fatigue equal to the Travelling Gear. Even if everyone failed the Athletics check, the Lead is reduced by 1. If everyone was successful in the Athletics check, reduce the Lead by 2.
  6. The LM has to keep a record of the number of days passed, and apply Travel checks accordingly.
  7. If the Lead reaches 7 or more then the running group has escaped. If the Lead reaches 0, the pursuing group has caught up.