Rules: Combat

Combat is a dramatic and momentous event for a group of players, a recurring gameplay motif that should not have its significance dulled by simple repetition. During the opening phase of combat, the Loremaster defines and details a number of elements to ensure that all battles do not end up feeling the same.

Combat Procedure


  • Party rolls Awareness, Battle or Hunting TN 14. S: Spot Ambush; H: Warn Companion; E: Warn 2 Companions


  • Defending companions will hold the initiative in most cases.

Combat Advantages

  • Battle TN 14. S: +1d; H: +2d; E: +3d. These dice may be used for attacking or Protection rolls.

Opening Volley

  • May be done if there is a short distance before close combat is engaged.
  • Spear or Bow TN 12+Parry+Shield. 2x Shield if target is aware of volley.
  • Opening Volleys are simultaneous.

Combat Rounds

  • Declare Stance: Forward TN 6, Open TN 9, Defensive TN 12, Rearward TN 12
  • May assume Rearward only if at least 2 other heroes are protecting him and not outnumbered by more than 2 to 1.
  • Roll Weapon Skill TN Stance + Parry. Attribute bonus is Body.
  • Ranged weapons are allowed only if in a Rearward stance.

Damage Resolution

  • S: Weapon DMG; H: Weapon DMG + Hero's Damage Rating; E: Weapon DMG + 2xHero's Damage Rating
  • Defender may take 1/2 damage if falling back, but cannot fight or change stance next turn.
  • Piercing Blow: Feat Die >= EDG rating of weapon. Target must make Protection Test or is Wounded.