Rules: Handling Encounters

In the course of a typical encounter, the adventurers will be trying to demonstrate their good intentions to a wary audience. Sometimes they could be trying to attain a more complex objective: are they trying to intimidate the people they met? Do they want to get help from them? Are they trying to learn something? The players taking part in an encounter should decide on their purpose in the meeting, and use the guidelines below to select suitable tasks.

Most encounters entail two stages, an introduction and an interaction. A complex encounter, like being guests in a foreign court, will feature both stages and allow for several tasks and tests. A simpler encounter, like meeting a company of wandering Dwarves in a tavern, might include only the introduction, and fewer die rolls.

Encounter Advantages - [Insight] to determine # of bonus dice
Introduction - [Awe] to impress quickly, [Courtesy] to ask for support, or [Riddle] to extract information, typically TN 14.
Interaction - [Insight] to observe and evaluate, [Inspire] to address crowds, [Persuade] to make a point, [Riddle] to gather information, or [Song] to garner approval.
Tolerance indicates the maximum number of failed rolls the party may have before encounter fails.
This will generally be equal to the highest Wisdom (with common folk, merchants, Elves, Hobbits and Wizards) or Valor (with warriors, soldiers, etc.) among the party. Any party member of the same culture may add their Standing to the Tolerance.