Rules: Hazards

Many misfortunes may attend a group of adventurers out in the Wild. Food transported by the company members might have been lost or spoiled, a water supply might prove to be insufficient, or a track might disappear into a bog that didn’t appear on any map. Hazards range from simple problems such as these, to difficult and potentially deadly challenges such as escaping from a ravenous pack of Wargs.

For each Eye produced on the Feat die while making Fatigue tests during a Rules: Journeys , a Hazard episode has been triggered (whether the test that produced the icon was a failure or not).


Determine Target

Roll 1d12 , G rune is player's choice and Eye is ignored) to determine target and test needed.
Die Roll Role Test Needed
G Players' Choice -
1-3 Guide Travel
4-5 Scout Explore
6-7 Huntsman Hunting
8-9 Lookout Awareness
10 All Companions Corruption for each
Eye n/a -

Consequence of Failure

If the appropriate Test failed, the Loremaster rolls the Feat die to determine the consequence to the failing companion(s).
Feat Die Effect
G Roll again.
1-2 Weariness. Temporarily Weary for the length of the journey.
3 Misery. Temporarily Miserable for the length of the journey.
4-5 Fatigue. Add Fatigue again.
6 Wound. Lose END equal to 1/2 Success die result, and suffer Wound.
7 Corruption. Gain 1 Shadow.
8 Strain. Lose END equal to Success die result.
9 Despair. Lose 1 Hope.
10 Wrong Choices. Raise TN by 2 for further Fatigue tests.
Eye Dangerous Meeting. Combat encounter.