Rules: The Fellowship Phase

A Fellowship phase marks the conclusion of the current Adventuring phase, and as such typically takes place at the end of a gaming session. It represents a week to one full season of game time, where players choose whether the company retires somewhere to spend the phase as a group or if they temporarily disband and each hero returns home by himself.

Once they are set upon a decision, they start taking individual turns to tell the Loremaster and the other players what they are going to do and where they are going to do it. In addition, players get to record the growth of their characters by spending their Experience points and Advancement points.

Fellowship Phase Structure


The players are free to spend the phase at any Sanctuary they have already opened during the game, or at home. The route bringing the company or each individual player-hero to his chosen destination is considered to take place ‘behind the scenes’ without Fatigue tests and consequences, unless the Loremaster or his players have a mind to play out the details.
  • The Company can choose to repair to a Sancturary. Characters in a sanctuary dedicate their time to telling and listening to stories and to the exchange of adventuring experiences.
  • When a company disbands temporarily, each player chooses the location to which his character repairs to. Usually, heroes return home, as the player has decided that maybe the character needs to spend some time among his own folk, to refocus or meditate, or that he intends to develop his personal relationships at home. When a hero intends to invest his earned Treasure, he needs to return home.

Standing Upkeep

Characters must reduce their Standing rating by 1 point, unless they spend a number of Treasure points equal to their current Standing . This upkeep cost represents what a hero does to ensure that his efforts in taking care of his own folk are widely recognised. Heroes with no Standing don’t need to maintain it.

Advancement Points

Heroes can achieve extraordinary feats and grow in prowess as a result of successfully using a Common Skill. In gaming terms, they may be granted a number of Advancement points, which are used by players to develop their Common skill ratings during the Fellowship phase. Use the table to determine Advancement Point costs.

Experience Points

A hero’s sense of accomplishment, his confidence and skill at arms and the hard-earned respect paid to him by his peers are represented by the award of Experience points. These points allow players to buy Valour and Wisdom ranks, and to attain superior levels of proficiency in their chosen Weapon skills.

Fellowship Phase Undertaking

A player may choose to undertake a task at the location in which they are spending the Fellowship Phase. This varies in duration and reward, from rallying support or speaking with a patron to receiving a title or writing a song. See the Adventurer's Guide, pages 121-124 for a list of most, but not all, undertakings.

Advancement Points

Common Skills
LVL Cost Fav Cost

Experience Points

Valor, Wisdom & Weapon Skills
LVL Cost
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 10
5 16
6 26