Session 5 Summary: Over the Mountains

The party crosses the Misty Mountains and discovers treachery in Mountain Hall.

General Summary

  • Before leaving Rivendell, the party was approached by Vig, who asked Buket for the Pearl of Belegost to repay his family's debt. You refused, but offered to speak with Mirabar on his behalf to negotiate better terms. After much back and forth, Mirabar agreed to reduce the debt and allow the Dwarves to repay the balance by escorting him to Dale.
  • The party headed south without incident, and began crossing the Mountain Pass . Towards the top, they encountered a dead Dwarf, apparently from Balin's colony in Moria, and a couple of dead Woodmen, but it seems like the battle was staged. The party raced through the night to try to catch up to the perpetrators.
  • The next morning, the party comes across the camp of a group of Men. Regis Underhill, Hobbit of Bree entered, posing as an innocent traveler and offering to sing and entertain in exchange for sleeping by the fire. He slit their throats in the night, allowing the rest of the party to enter and finish things off. The party discovers an encoded message on the leader's body, as well as props for staging a fight on the cart.
  • A patrol from Mountain Hall, headed by Theodemir , approaches the camp. After greetings, the patrol escorts the party to Mountain Hall where they are met by Hartfast, son of Hartmunt . The reception is frosty, but they are permitted to stay for a couple of nights and to speak with Loremaster Agsorn .
  • Hartfast claims the Dwarves have been stealing their ore, and tensions are high.
  • Loremaster Agsorn says the message cannot be decoded without a cipher key. Perhaps another clue is in the mines?
  • The party explores the mines (except for Ferias, who is distrusted by Hartfast and ordered to stay out) and is ambushed by a party of Men! Ferias was distracted by Theodemir, who subsequently kills the guard and flees Mountain Hall with a few accomplices.
  • The party finds a secret chamber in the mines with a stash of Dwarf mining gear, and the missing ore. There is a banner that says 'AWIRTHOEN', which is apparently the cipher! The decoded message says, "remember woodmen use axes not scimitars or bows mountain pass in two days - Nuri". Who is Nuri? That's a Dwarf name.
  • Hartfast suggests taking your surviving prisoner and the message to Woodland Hall to expose the conspiracy before tensions flare into war in the Anduin Vales.

Rewards Granted

3 XP

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Conspiracy has been unmasked.
  • Message decoded.
Pipe-Weed for the Woodmen!
Valandir, Man of Gondor
Velthrith, Man of Mountain Hall
Buket Rash, Dwarf of Erebor
Regis Underhill, Hobbit of Bree
Ferias, Elf of Rivendell
Report Date
06 Apr 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location