Session 6 Summary: From the Mountains to the Anduin

General Summary

The party left Mountain Hall as soon as possible, hoping to catch Theodemir before he reaches the Wolfswood. A storm rolled in but the party pressed on, travelling through the night. To their surprise, the party spotted a group of six Orcs headed straight for them. Orcs? In league with Theodemir? Even for a traitor that was unthinkable. With his hatred for Orcs coursing through his veins, Buket Rash charged ahead. After a short battle, the party pressed on, only to discover Theodemir in front of a Man and another group of Orcs. Theodemir was on his knees and about to be killed as the party intervenes once again, saving Theodemir and taking him as a prisoner. Perhaps he will finally reveal who is truly behind all this.

The party presses on to Trader's Island. Theodemir attempted escape a couple of times but failed. With the lure of possible buried treasure, Regis and Telperion searched through the night, Titania kept watch, and the rest of the party rested. Titania and Ferias caught one of the Woodmen on Trader's Island attempting to assassinate Theodemir in the night, and so they pressed on again to Stonyford the next morning.

Realizing perhaps he had sided with the wrong group of people, Theodemir finally begins to talk, sharing what he knew about Nuri.

Arriving at Stonyford, the party attempted to gain entry but were refused by the Beorning elders and had to make camp outside their gates. That night, however, and unlikely visitor, Iwmud the Goatheard, appears and chats with them. Clearly he is no ordinary goatherd, but provides information and agrees to try to send word to Radagast of what's going on.

Woodland Hall is now a couple of days away, but Iwmud says a contingent of Dwarves is also headed into the area from the Iron Hills. Time is of the essence.

Rewards Granted

Experience: 3
Ring of the Assessor: Warms based on the quality of gold in hand. Gives the wielder the ability to very accurately assess the value of treasure in hand.

Missions/Quests Completed

Theodemir captured.

Character(s) interacted with

Pipe-Weed for the Woodmen!
Valandir, Man of Gondor
Velthrith, Man of Mountain Hall
Buket Rash, Dwarf of Erebor
Regis Underhill, Hobbit of Bree
Telperion, Dwarf of Ered Luin
Ferias, Elf of Rivendell
Report Date
04 May 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location