Trader's Island

Trader's Island is one of the larger islands of the Anduin River, with the waters splitting around a rocky outcropping much like the Carrock to the north. A long sandy spit has formed in the wake of the giant stones. Stunted trees and long grasses bind the island together, but the ground is not always safe, and unwary travelers might blunder into soft sand or mud with little warning. There are usually several eafolc families camped on the isle, for they use it as a meeting-place and trading post, a midway point between Mountain Hall and the settlements of Woodmen on the edge of Mirkwood. Rumor has it there is a huge cache of buried treasure somewhere on the island, a hoard accumulated by many generations of thieving River-folk.


Trader's Island is the size of a small town, wooded with a great rocky outcropping to the north that parts the River. The river runs deep on each side of the island.
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