Valandir, Man of Gondor

Captain of Gondor Valandir Son of Vanithir

Born in tirith Ethraid (Harondor), Valandir fled his town as rumors of war with the Haradrim spread. At the age of 22 he arrived in Minas Tirith, where he trained as a Guard. Now 37 years old, he has found himself as a rising leader of Gondor. To finish his training and prove himself as a true noble captain of Gondor, he now sets out East to aid in foreign affairs. On his return, he will be officially be deemed a captain and hero of Gondor.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Valandir has long dirty blonde hair and a full beard. His face is fair, but worn from battle. His skin is a darker tone from his upbringing in Harad, and he is in good ship from all of his travel and constant fighting.

Apparel & Accessories

Valandir wears the heavy armor of the captains of Minas Tirith and bears a tower shield in one hand and a long sword in the other.

Specialized Equipment

Skilled in combat with a long sword and tower shield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Tirith Ethraid (Harondor) Fled to the White City with rumors of war rising Did numerous trips back home while working as a soldier of Minas Tirith Left to pursue becoming a Captian of Gondor


Came to Minas Tirith at the age of 22 to train as a guard.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has participated in multiple raids into Ithilien and Near Harad. Champion standing, sparring contests of 2943 held in Dol Amroth.

Mental Trauma

He has a natural distrust of his people from his home town. Many of his friends he began to see side with Sauron, and now he fears they all may.

Intellectual Characteristics

For a man, he is very wise and strong willed. He is not easily tempted by power, but like any man, he does still have a vulnerability to it.

Morality & Philosophy

Anyone is good enough to fight, and can be brought to great deeds, and it is the job of a leader to get them there.

Personality Characteristics


Valendir seeks to prove himself in the open lands outside the walls of Minas Tirith. He seeks to become a Captain of Gondor, and eventually become the Commander of the Fountain Guards in Minas Tirith.

Likes & Dislikes

Has a strong respect for authority, and expects others to respect authority in return.
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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Captain of Gondor
Year of Birth
2908 TA 37 Years old
Tirith Ethraid
Current Residence
Minas Tirith
Grey Blue
Long, Light Brown
210 lbs

Noah: Valendir, Son of Vanithir

Culture: Man of Minas Tirith
Standard of Living: Prosperous
Cultural Blessings: Man of Valor and Wisdom
Calling: Leader
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power
Specialties: Trading, Leadership, Lore (Gondor)
Distinctive Features: Wrathful, Willful


Endurance: Max 28, Current 28
Fatigue: 27
Hope: Max 14, Current 12
Shadow: 1
Note: Weary if Fatigue > Endurance, Miserable if Shadow > Hope


7 (9)6 (9)2 (3)

Common Skills

Skill Groups

Awe 2Inspire 4Persuade 1Personality 0
Athletics 2Travel 1Stealth 0Movement 0
Awareness 2Insight 2Search 0Perception 0
Explore 1Healing 1Hunting 0Survival 0
Song 1Courtesy 0Riddle 2Custom 0
Craft 0Battle 2Lore 2Vocation 0

Weapon Skills

Long Sword 3Bow 1Dagger 1



Captain of Gondor: -1 Hope > +x Comb Adv per party member
Guard of the Tower: +1 Standing, 2xENC dmg in fwd stance


Long Sword (1/2h)DMG: 5/7EDG: 10INJ: 16/18ENC: 3
BowDMG: 5EDG: 10INJ: 14ENC: 1
DaggerDMG: 3EDG: gINJ: 12ENC: 0


Mail ShirtPROT: +3dENC:12


HelmPROT: +4ENC:6


Great ShieldPROT: +3ENC: 5
Fellowship PtsAdvancement PtsTreasureStanding