West Anduin Vales

The West Anduin Vales lie south of the Great East Road, dominated by the rolling foothills of the Misty Mountains in the west and descending to a wilderness of rush-cloaked marshes and thickets. Most travellers out of the Mountain Pass bear northeast to go around the marshes of the Gladden Fields, then continue east across the Great River or north to the Road. The Mountain Hall is the main settlement in the West Vales, a village of Woodmen in the shadow of the mountains that provides a mining trade with Woodman Town and the Woodland Hall. Between Mountain Hall and the Anduin lies the Wolfswood, a largely deserted forest that is home to four ancient stone forts, built long ago as a defence against the Orcs, who once used the woods to shelter from the sunlight. Two islands lie in the Great River as part of the Western Vales, Trader's Island] and @[Hag's Island .

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