
The Wolfswood is a forest of oak, ash and rowan, running to willow along the banks of the rivers. It is thick and tangled, but is still much more airy and welcoming than Mirkwood. The only horrors beneath these trees are the evils men bring with them.

Four crumbling stone forts mark the edges of the Wolfswood on the north and west. These forts were built long ago as a defence against the Orcs, who once used the woods to shelter from the sunlight. The forts were abandoned many years ago, and are now covered in ivy and cracked by questing tree-roots. Only ghosts watch the Wolfswood now.

The Wolfswood has always been associated with outlaws and exiles, and many tales tell of brigands living in these forests. Heroes, too, have found shelter here — the Woodmen speak of a mythical heroine named Ivina of the Green, who fought the servants of the Enemy more than three thousand years ago when the Shadow ruled all Middle-Earth from Mordor to the Sea.

She hid in the wood, and sallied forth to raid the forces of the Enemy. Other old stories tell that an Elf-prince once went hunting in the Wolfswood with nine companions, all riding fair white horses and bedecked in armour of silver and gold, but they never returned. The River-folk swear that on still nights, you can hear their hunting horns blowing desperately in the distance.


A forest of oak, ash and rowan, running to willow along the banks of the rivers. It is thick and tangled, but is still much more airy and welcoming than Mirkwood. The ground is largely flat, with shallow mounds surrounded by an occasional stream.
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