Divine Armor

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Divine Armor typically grants the wearer enhanced protection from physical and magical attacks, but is usually attuned to a specific type of magic and imbued with a related set of abilities and (sometimes) weaknesses.

Some armors are simply magical abilities, manifesting whenever the wearer invokes the ability. Other armors are actual items, imbued in some manner with the divine ability.
Some of the known types of Divine Armor are listed here.

Shadow Armor

Shadow Armor is imbued with shadow magic, becoming more powerful in the shadows, twilight, and dark, but less powerful in full light or daylight. It allows the wearer to blend into shadows or darkness and provides enhanced protection from combat attacks, both physical and magical, making the wearer harder to detect and hit.

Unfortunately for the wearer, the armor is vulnerable to attacks from weapons of the Light and somewhat vulnerable to weapons of related types of magic. In addition, it possesses a shadow aura which can be detected, especially by servants of the Light.

Known Types

Cover image: Realms of Mirielle by Tulonsae using Midjourney


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