Shadow Lands

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In ancient times, the Shadow Nexus, a group of deities led by Umbra, Queen of Shadows, made their home in the Shadow Lands. This is where the Queen held her court, plotted the demise of both the Light and the Dark, and planned her conquest of the Realms of Mirielle.

The Queen started her plans by spreading a plague, intending to corrupt the followers of the Light and thereby weaken Lumina, Lady of Light whom she considered the most powerful deity of either the Light or Dark. Unfortunately for the Queen, Lucian, Lord of Flames stumbled upon the plague and incinerated it (including the town, people, and any possessions).
The Lady of Light was disturbed that her followers had been destroyed with no chance of healing, but quickly realized the Queen of Shadows plan. Together with the Lord of Flames and leaders of the Dark pantheon, they fought and defeated theShadow Nexus.
Some members of the Queen’s court were destroyed, two or three turned on her and joined other pantheons, and the rest were exiled to the Void. The Queen was not exiled — the Light and Dark felt that she was too powerful when combined with her court. Instead, she was imprisoned within the much reduced Shadow Lands.
Centuries passed, and the Queen plotted how to escape her prison and reign havoc upon her captors. Focusing on other things, the nearby Temple of Light relaxed its watchful eye on the Shadow Lands — and did not realize that the Shadow Lands had begun growing.
The region began its growth when a young and powerful, yet inexperienced, witch lost her way and stumbled into the desolate forest of Shadow Lands. It is said that the Queen of Shadows tempted her with the promise of ancient and hidden magics. And once ensnared by the promises, she succumbed to the dark and treacherous ways of the Queen, becoming Viana, Siren of Shadows.
While the Queen is still bound to the original borders, her minions are not. And the Siren, together with her rival, Ravena, the Shadow Weaver, use their powers to extend the Shadow Lands, spreading its desolation, invading and taking over more and more lands, especially to the west and north, away from the Temple of Light on its eastern side.
The Siren of Shadows lures people into the Shadow Lands for the Queen, who either turns them into servants or feasts on their psychic energy. While the Shadow Weaver whispers madness in dreams and spreads greed and envy through rumors, drawing ever more people to the Shadows.
The Temple of Light finally noticed the growth of the Shadow land and sent Sir Cassian Drystan Thane, Protector of the Light, to investigate and stop the advancing shadows. An experienced warrior and dedicated to the Covenant of Light, his arrogance led him to underestimate the Siren. In fact, he did not even recognize what she was — no outside the Shadow Lands had yet learned of her (and escaped). She appeared as a beautiful and sweet young woman, lost and needing protection. Using her shadow magic, her wiles and subtle suggestions overcame his caution — and he became obsessed with what he considered was a beautiful and sweet young woman whom he thought was lost and needed protecting.
The Siren wove her magic about him, and instead of him rescuing her, she ensorcelled him and led him deeper into the desecrated forest. Blinded by lust, he vowed to live with her and protect her, unknowingly binding his spirit to hers. In the morning, he woke to realize his fate. He became the unwilling, yet loyal servant of the Queen, and Guardian of the Siren.
The first task the Queen gave him was to retrieve certain relics from the Temple of Light. The Siren went with him, but even with his knowledge of the Temple and her magic, they could not enter the consecrated land around the Temple. The Temple guards, his previous friends, recognized him for what he now was and turned him back. They were unable to capture or harm the Knight or the Siren, but neither could the couple advance any further.
The Temple of Light belatedly recognized that they needed to protect the Ring of Lights to keep the Queen imprisoned. And so began the current skirmishes and battles between the Shadows and the Light.

Cover image: Realms of Mirielle by Tulonsae using Midjourney


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