Unaging Mortal

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Unaging Mortal is a condition that a mortal can be granted at birth or acquired later in life. A mortal with this condition does not age (except as described below), but may be killed, destroyed, or terminated.

When granted at birth, the mortal will age normally until reaching early adulthood. At this point, the mortal will begin to age extremely slowly until sometime in middle age, when the aging process stops.
This condition does not provide healing for wounds, diseases, and illnesses. These must still be treated in order for the mortal to gain full functionality, but the healing may occur more rapidly or easily (depending on the power and intention of the granting deity).

Affected Groups

Mortals who become Divine Servants will normally aquire this condition, usually after committing to a Divine Pact.

Chronic, Acquired & Congenital

Cover image: Realms of Mirielle by Tulonsae using Midjourney


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