South Eastern Barovian Farms

Krik, Edvur, Kapustul, Bork, Sofalva, Felso, Kribek, Makvul, Sadova, Sopkak, Propica, Ceyter, Bulud Apis, Dub, Kolc, Sumbar, Lagy, Pikul, Vserk


Primarily Human, some halfings

Industry & Trade

The Farming Hamelets produce a varity of agricultural products from Live stock (Sheep, Goats, Pigs and chickens), hearty vegitables (carrots, turnip, parsnip, cabbage and potatoes). They also have a small varity of grains (Corn, barley, wheat) as well some produce (hopps for beer and grapes for wine) and Small fruit trees like (cherries, plumbs and apple) can be found as well. Those located along the lakes and rivers also harvest fish for sale at local markets.
Owning Organization


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