
Headmaster Phaelous

Headmaster Phaelous (House Ja'Prohn)

(Fay'-luhs Jzah'-pron), , is a Davrin born in Sivaraus.

Phaelous is a skilled and powerful wizard, both the oldest and arguably most well-known male Davrin in the city. He holds the singular title of Headmaster of the Wizard's Tower and answers to the Valsharess. He is responsible for training male mageborns in a consolidated location separate from their families. Most of his students are Nobleborn, though not all.

Phaelous is tall for a male Davrin and aged enough that his hair has changed from white to gold, which is long and usually kept in a simple braid. He always wears dark blue wizard's robes of fine make with gold and purple threads denoting the Valsharess he serves. He has visible creases around his eyes and mouth. He also has unusual flecks of gold color in the irises of his dark red eyes, a trait he passed on to his son, Shyntre.



Phaelous was born inside the Palace and into the direct service of his Queen, under the tutelage of his sire, Headmaster Taneous. He shared space with the now-extinct House D'Shea, an event which occurred long after his own "House" Ja'Prohn was dissolved with the lineage linked the Palace as well. Eventually, he inherited the responsibilities of the Wizard's Tower from his sire upon his passing.


Males of the Ja'Prohn line are well-educated to curate and preserve knowledge, passing on what skills they can to younger males. They are kept very close to the Queen, and their breeding is strictly controlled.



Phaelous is a calm and patient teacher, rarely seen upset as even being strict doesn't require raising his voice. He can intimidate and use fear to garner a youth's attention and he has plenty of options for where to send a disruptive one, but he will always try other methods first, having lived long enough to know what motivates most of his students. Phaelous is always respectful but firm with females that visit his Tower, especially younger ones that may harass or distract his learners.


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Patreon exclusive content: Added secrets or insights about the Character. May include adult themes.
2059 S.E., in Sivaraus, Deepearth   Affiliations
Wizard's Tower
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Headmaster Raneous Ja'Prohn
unnamed mother of
House D'Shea (extinct)
none living
Varessa D'Shea
Wilsira Tachnathon
Others unnamed

Cover image: by Axelotl
Character Portrait image: by Axelotl
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