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Circle of the Black Book Campaign Primer

A few months ago, a group of adventurers erased divinity from existence, breaking the cycle of The Given. With this act, they took the world from the hands of the gods and placed it upon the shoulders of mankind to carry. However, the effects of this act are yet to be understood. Why was The Given enforced by the Sovereignty? What does it mean, that a god can be killed by a man, and to which dangers is the material plane now exposed?   In order to replace the Sovereignty and answer these questions, the Circle of the Black Book was founded, an organisation in keeping with the different aspects of the Sovereignity with the purpose of understanding the divine and be the protectors of the Material Plane.   One way or another, you have been recruited by one of the Regents to join this organisation, led by the ruler of the dead. Together with a group of recruits, you are send on missions to discover, understand and protect the world.  

Campaign theme

You will be playing as members of the Circle of the Black Book. You will be send on missions that have to do with religious or planar themes. For adventures, you can be send to retrieve an important piece of lore, help containing an outbreak of planar creatures or investigating a cult. Based on group preference the focus can be on only part of the themes and type of adventures.   The themes have some connection to the earlier Dragon's Alliance campaign but it is not needed to have played in that campaign.

Campaign structure

Based on group preference, the campaign can exist of multiple shorter adventures around the same theme or a larger, more focussed adventure.  

Session structure

Idea is to have a live campaign that can be played regulary without filling up a whole weekend. Sessions will be 3-4 hours and played live biweekly on friday, saturday or sunday @Patrick


  • Campaign will be played in Pathfinder 2e
  • Campaign will start at lower level play
  • Jeffrey will take the role of assistent-DM by portraying Sophie and discussing the Circle of the Black Book.


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Jan 15, 2023 20:11


Jan 20, 2023 21:32

Pst... Level?!

Jan 29, 2023 21:18

Leuk siteje! Kan de eerste sessie misschien in een Minecraft server plaatsvinden?