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Periwinkle blithsome

Periwinkle blithsome

Periwinkle used to be a gnomish lawyer in the city of Vrijhaven. After his death from overworking a case for the last hundred years, he was reforged as a Shadar-Kai. His memories from his path life have shown him there is more to life than just labor and he has chosen the Path of the Traveler to experience more of the world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A stocky physique for a Gnome, but not a lot of muscle mass. Mostly just very sturdy

Facial Features

Big white bushy beard, big eyebrows, heavy forehead, Really big bulbous nose.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Since his reforging, Periwinkle has had a lot of time to meditate and reflect upon his past life. At first he paid no mind to his memories, just as most Shadar-Kai do. He merely went through the education at the Vault of Memories and the further education in Silverstone with as much diligence and patient as can be expected from someone granted a new lease on life. He excelled in his studies and even gained note in the eyes of Sophie for his ability to absorb a new language in rapid time.   After his education he chose to become a Traveler and journeyed through the world as an emissary of Mugeroth, going on diplomatic missions to aid the Temple in spreading it's influence and gaining legitimacy in the world.   Not long before the end of the Given, he came to visit the city of Vrijhaven. It seemed so imminently familiar to him and he could finally place a lot of his memories from his past life. Streets he wandered where he remembered playing with someone, he remembered talking to a person that seemed so important to him in his past life. In idle curiosity he followed these memories of his past life to large, but mostly tall, house on the west side of the river running though Vrijhaven.   He knew this house used to be home to him, on the building it said Proudhill and Sons Legal Aid. He knew then that this is where he had died. The fact that the place still stood as it did in his memories informed him that it must not have been that long ago, maybe a year or 10, since his death.   He entered the building and knocked down his splitting image. He met then his son, well his past lives son, a young gnomish man by the name of Sander Proudhill. With surprising grace, his son asked him if he was his father, where he came from, why he was here and most importantly how he was here. He explained that he was not this man's father, but he carried his fathers soul. That he was reforged after his death, that by the grace of Mugeroth, the Smith and the Raven Queen he was granted a new lease on life and that he remembered this place. Quickly they were joined by who used to be his wife, a woman called Erica van Wingerden. He learned from these two kind people that he, as a father, was not a particularly good one. That he was not home a lot and focused on his work. That the son only reluctantly followed in his fathers footsteps but that after his passing he finally found a true passion for practicing law. Periwinkle's previous life apparently practiced law for money and fame, for the glory and for being proven right. His clients were the wealthy, the powerful and mostly the very guilty. He remembered things differently, he remembered thinking that he merely did what others would do in his shoes and that everyone saw things his way. He asked Sander and Erica what they think he should have done. Erica told him, that if her husband was alive today he should have taken more time with his family, Sander told him that he should have used the law to help the less fortunate.   Long did they discuss what such a thing would mean, how one would define the less fortunate and he learned quickly that Sander was a young man wise for his age, and Periwinkle thought himself responsible for that. Sander had to run the family business at the young age of 80 years.   It was when the Given ended that the discussion he had with Sander came to mind again. Periwinkle was in the Vault of Memories when it happened. He remembers clearly the quiet distress some of his siblings were in, especially those who communed with Mugeroth. He still feels an absence in his heart. For those on the Material plane the Sovereigns must have felt distant, even to those who communed directly with them. But in Doluhrr, Mugeroth was ever present, his divinity felt daily. His removal from reality did not however, cause much of a disturbance in the temple of Mugeroth. All the rituals still continued, new Shadar-Kai were still created. But to Periwinkle, this felt somewhat disquieting, but he could as off yet not explain why.   It was when the Raven Queen declared the foundation of the Circle of the Black Book that he felt that he could no longer be part of the Temple as merely a messenger. He asked for permission to join the new organization and aid in whatever way he could. He never figured out why he was not assigned to serve the Raven Queen directly. Instead he was handed a letter of recommendation and made his way to the tumultuous former holy kingdom.


Educated for a year of basic education at the Vault of Memories and two years at the Monastery to the Late Six Sovereigns, Periwinkle has besides the few memories of his past life a wide education in various topics related to society, the world, the cosmos and even more esoteric fields. After his reforging he has decided to partake in the act of alchemy to help those in need and to be able to experience more of the world. He is especially adept at languages, having found a new talent for such things.

Personality Characteristics


Wanting a better life for those around him and to reach understanding of all people around the world, Periwinkle aims to learn every language known in the world in the search of an universal one that would allow everyone to understand each other without misunderstanding.
Lawful Good
7 Years
Greyish Green
White, bald on top
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3 ft 1
Known Languages
  1. Common
  2. Gnomish
  3. Sylvan
  4. Necril
  5. Draconic
  6. Goblin
  7. Dwarven
  8. Elven
  9. Orcish
  10. Halfling
  11. Undercommon
  12. Celestial
  13. Infernal
  14. Snail-flail
  15. Sahar
  16. Abyssal
  17. Aklo
  18. Primordial
  19. Azerketi
  20. Lizardfolk
  21. Yuan-ti
  22. Kythric


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