Alignment in Nehwon | World Anvil


Lawful Good

  • Definition: Characters who believe in the power of law and order, and use it to achieve altruistic ends.
  • Example: A paladin who adheres strictly to a code of chivalry, protecting the innocent and punishing the wicked.

Lawful Neutral

  • Definition: Individuals who prioritize order and organization, without a strong inclination towards good or evil.
  • Example: A judge who applies the law with impartiality, regardless of personal feelings or outcomes.

Lawful Evil

  • Definition: Characters who use laws, traditions, or codes of conduct to further their own selfish interests, often at the expense of others.
  • Example: A tyrant who manipulates legal systems to maintain power and control, disregarding the welfare of the people.

Neutral Good

  • Definition: Good-hearted individuals who believe in doing what's right, without necessarily following laws or rules.
  • Example: A healer who aids anyone in need, irrespective of their standing with the law or societal expectations.

True Neutral

  • Definition: Characters who maintain balance, showing no strong inclination towards any alignment, valuing their personal freedom and neutrality.
  • Example: A druid who strives to maintain balance in nature and stays out of moral or societal conflicts.

Neutral Evil

  • Definition: Individuals who are primarily self-serving, without the discipline of law or the randomness of chaos.
  • Example: A rogue who is willing to cheat, steal, and harm others to achieve personal gain, as long as it's the most straightforward path.

Chaotic Good

  • Definition: Free spirits who believe in doing good, in their own unique way, often challenging traditional methods.
  • Example: A rebel leader who fights against an oppressive regime, valuing individual freedom and the greater good but disregarding laws and orders.

Chaotic Neutral

  • Definition: Characters who value their personal freedom and autonomy above all else, without a strong tendency towards good or evil.
  • Example: A wanderer who goes where the wind takes them, following whims and desires without regard for moral or legal implications.

Chaotic Evil

  • Definition: Unpredictable individuals who embrace chaos and evil, often seeking to disrupt order and harm others for their own enjoyment or gain.
  • Example: A marauding warlord who revels in destruction and anarchy, using violence and intimidation to achieve power and sow discord.


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