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Letter from Brother Walter

You receive a letter through the Gildenore Mail System from a monk at the temple of Father Lead in Castle Brirenthia. He was one of the ones who was in the monestary where you awoke into this unlife. Brother Walter is a large and kind man. He asks you to visit him at the Temple of Father Lead in Castle Brirenthia. He would like to discuss with you, how you might help the temple and the temple might help you.
    • Gear: There comes a time in every gun priests life, if they live long enough, where they forge their own firearm as a rite of passage and way to feel a deeper connection to their guns. Brother Walter believes he may have located where the blueprints to Elvurick's revolver may be. He'd like your help (and discretion) in tracking it down.
    • Background: Brother Walter was one of the first monks you saw when you regained a hold on life. He was at the monestary when you awoke. He is too young to have been there when you died, but he's the only person you feel you can trust to help find out more about the past.

The Sinking Monestary

    • Hunt: The castle is sinking slowly as some immense cavern beneath it slowly collapses in on itself. The monastery is suffering from a creature tunneling through the mud beneath the surface far closer than what sinks the whole city. A creature that has creature a massive tunnel system built off the sewers. It is both undead and touch by the "touched by the void" a term for something arcane magic related).

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