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Biomechanical species that exist, had been unknown throughout Neomerin before the breaking of the eastern mountain range; which revealed the west end of the circle sea and the ultraviolent grasslands beyond. The Byots left the area due to constantly being attacked by those who couldn't tell the difference between the sentient biomechanics beings and the monstrous beasts roaming the UVG.   The creation of your kind is a mystery lost to time. It's been said that we were created by a group of Outsiders, but it has also been said that your kind was the result of an over productive terraforming manifestation that converted human beings into a mechanized version of themselves.   Byots shut down nightly for 8 hours for recharging and self-repair, 2 hit points per level. If they are roused from their sleep state they lose the benefits they had been gaining.   Byots cannot use most magic items. Byots can use magical weapons and wear magical armor. Intelligent weapons can only communicate to the Byot through speech. This does not apply to Trinkets.   Due to your artificial life, you are unable to cast magic. However, they do have an Effort score of 1+the better of their Int/Wis/Cha bonus. This effort is used to activate their machine manifestations.  
  • Level 1: Gain a bonus skill related to your random manifestation of your machine origin. +1 to attribute most associated with that manifestation.
  • Level 2: Gain another manifestation of your machine origin. This does not include additional skills or attributes. Can be taken multiple times. Limited by Constitution bonus.

Manifestions of Machine Origin

Many of these involve alterations to the Byot's hands. Unless otherwise noted, only 1 upgrade is possible per hand.
  1. 360' Vision – Small visual sensors are implanted throughout the head, providing a full range of vision.
  2. Acrobatics – The byot has the tumbling and tightwalking abilities of a thief-acrobat of the same level (if below 6th, then it has the abilities of a 6th level thief-acrobat)
  3. Adaptable Appearance – The byot may alter its appearance as per the assassin's disguise ability as an assassin of the same level.
  4. Bioscanner – The byot may spend a round (minute) to scan the surrounding area (up to 1000') for life forms. This requires a successful Intelligence ability score check and if successful, the byot knows the general size (halfling on up) and distance. This ability is blocked by stone, so is limited use in dungeons.
  5. Chameleon Skin – The byot's skin blends to match his surroundings, allowing the byot to hide in shadows as a thief of the same level.
  6. Chemical Analyzer – The byot may analyze chemicals, including potions. While byots may only identify potions they already have analyzed and have knowledge of second hand, they can detect poison.
  7. Echolocation – The byot emits inaudible (to normal beings) sound waves and can interpret their bouncing off of objects to navigate in the dark. This may also be used to identify illusions.
  8. Electronic Countermeasures - The byot jams any electronic targeting used against him (such as radar guided missiles or byots with electronic targeting)
  9. Electronic Targeting – The byot may lock onto a ranged target, allowing any ranged attack to be treated as point blank
  10. Enhanced Constitution – The byot 's constitution improves by 1 (maximum of 19)
  11. Enhanced Dexterity – The byot 's dexterity improves by 1 (maximum of 20)
  12. Enhanced Strength – The byot 's strength improves by one step (if 18) or if 18/00 to 19.
  13. Hand Razors – The byot has extendable razors underneath its nails. These may be used to cut things or as a melee weapon, doing damage as per a dagger. This may be combined with other hand upgrades.
  14. Improved Audio Sensors – The byot listens as a thief of the same level and is never surprised.
  15. Improved Armor – The byot's natural armor is now equivalent to plate mail (usually AC 17)
  16. Improved Visual Sensors – The byot may detect secret doors as per an elf and find traps as per a thief of the same level (no dexterity bonus).
  17. Integral Drill – One of the byot's fingers may be pulled back to reveal a drill. It has only minimal use as a weapon (1-3 damage) but can be used to drill the hinges of doors and chests and other things. It does emit a high pitched whine, alerting any nearby monsters.
  18. Integral Laser Torch – The byot has a laser torch built into one of his hands (which must be partially removed when the laser torch is in use). It does 1d6 damage and can cut through a variety of metals. It can only be used for 1 turn (10 minutes) every 8 hours
  19. Integral First Aid Kit – Each of the byot's fingers shoots a spray which heals and seals wounds of organic beings. This heals 2-5 hit points of damage and automatically stabilizes dying beings. The byot has 5 doses of this spray, which regenerate every day.
  20. Integral Lockpicks – The byot may open locks as per a thief of the same level (Dex bonus applies)
  21. Integral Grapple – One of the byot's hands can be turned into a grappling hook. Further more, this hook hand is attached to a tiny wire and by be launched up to 100'. Up to 500 lbs may be supported by the byot (though it can be tricky holding on to someone else with only one hand)
  22. Integral Navigation System – The byot has an internal compass and inertial navigation system which keeps the byot from ever getting lost as well as lets them detect sloping passages.
  23. Integral Pitons – The byot has pitons that can be extended from his feet. This allows the byot to climb walls like as a thief of the same level.
  24. Integral Scalpel – One of the byots fingers may be folded back to reveal a very sharp scalpel, allowing surgery or usable as a weapon, doing 1d6/1d4 damage
  25. Integral Toolkit – The byot may set and remove/disarm traps as per a thief of the same level.
  26. Laser Eyes – The byot's eyes conceal a small laser weapon. It may be fired once every three rounds and does 1d6 damage with a range of 10' and 1d4 up to 30'. This is addition to his normal attack.
  27. Physician – The byot has been trained in the health care of organic beings. Patients under the byot's care will heal normally at twice the usual rate. Once per week per being, the byot may cure disease with a successful intelligence ability check.
  28. Recorder – The byot records the audio and visual of everything he sees or hears for a month (i.e., anything that happened 30 days ago is erased unless the player specifically says the byot is storing an event). These scenes may be played back as a holographic projection, half-sized and roughly 5' feet away from the byot .
  29. Self-Destruct – The byot may explode, destroying itself utterly and doing 10d6 damage to all within a 10' radius.
  30. Telescopic Digit – One of the byot's fingers may be extended up to 10', serving as a 10' pole in all respects. If damaged, the finger slowly regenerates at 1' per day as part of the byot's self-repair ability, but reduces the hit points restored by half (only one hit point per level per day).
  31. Telescopic Vision – The byot may see far distances, as per eyes of the eagle.
  32. Thermal Vision – The byot has infravision/darkvision up to 60'
  33. Tracking – The byot can track as a ranger of the same level as the byot .
  34. Vital Strikes – The byot has an understanding of a human's sensitive areas, allowing it to do 1d6 damage (plus strength bonus) while fighting unarmed against humans and similar beings (demihumans, humanoids, even giants)

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