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Changes to the RAW

Here are the things that are changes from the rules as written

  • Some changes to the travel speeds and times to make it all fit better. It's all on OSR Hexploration Games where travel is broken down by Watch.
  • Tiny tweak to character creation backgrounds. After selecting a background from WWN, you use the Brazen Backgrounds PDF to find a background that most closely resembles the background from WWN as you envision it. Then roll on the Tell Us About It and Why Did You Leave tables. If you don't like the Brazen Backgrounds options, you can just answer the questions on your own.
  • Alchemy is Focus you can pick. It uses the rules per Atlas of the Latter Earth. In the GDrive.
  • Trinkets unique items with magic effects that only hold a charge or two. They are not considered magic items, but they also can't be created or recharged the way a magic item could. There are magic items as a separate thing.
  • Black powder weapons exist. They are incredibly powerful, loud, and create smoke. Pistols, rifles, blunderbusses, and the vary rare cap and ball revolver exist in the world.
  • I made Classes. They are in the GDrive Classes folder. You don't need to select any of them, and are welcome to make a character using the RAW. They are as much there for giving you an idea of what types of people there are and what types of adventures can be had as they are to be used as player classes.
  • The rules as written include a survival element requiring food, water, and fuel (for camp fires in the wilderness). That's staying as is, but because I can't help myself, there is also alcohols and meals that can give you special bonuses. Not all meals or alcohols offer special bonuses, but the ones that do will be made clear...provided you are getting it at an establishment and not cooking some random creature-meat to see what happens.
  • That being said there's two or three semi whimsically inspired places in the world. While whimsical they are all grounded in the fiction of the game so nothing is gonna be genre breaking. They are there to be options to change the pace for a bit if the group wants to lower the stakes for a bit. They can also be ignored entirely should that not be something you want to explore. One is a town inspired by Studio Ghibli with suitably low key adventures, one is a serious town with a whimsical wizard, and the last is a whimsical old cook warrior who now owns a zoo/dungeon.

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