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Classes for WWN - Neomerrin

These are all optional classes. They provide unique abilities and an advancement track (XP to gain levels). They are categorized for the sake of savings throws and how many Foci picks they should have. Skills and other things are done as normal per the WWN rules as written.   You are also welcome to create an Expert, Warrior, or Mage using the WWN Rules as written if you are looking for a more freeform character creation.   The full details of the classes are in the Google Drive.  
  • Expert
    1. Historicist - A person who hunts down lost and forgotten information about the world. They've discovered a very simple kind of magic unique to their understanding called hearth magic or Q.o.l. (quality of life) magic (action librarian, deadly archeologist, adventuring researcher, etc)
    2. Troubadour - The troubadour is a member of a bizarre class of entertainers and storytellers prized by the aristocratic city dwellers. Free citizens all, troubadours tour through cities in groups or individually, then travel on, making a living with their wits and talents. It’s also widely accepted that many (all) troubadours lead double lives as notorious blackmailers, thieves, spies, and even assassins.
    3. Warden - A stalker of the lands with an animal companion. Eventually finding the evil they wish to rid the land of and using their wits to hunt them down. They make their living as a guide, a bounty hunter, or scout.
    4. Fade - they otherwise look like normal humans but they are elusive beings with the unique ability to fade from notice. They do not turn invisible; others just fail to notice that they are there, or forget they even met them in the first place. (Information brokers, spies, and thieves)
  • Warrior
    1. Mourner - A person with social etiquette that is paid to watch the bodies of the recently deceased and slay them when they rise by slicing through their neck.
    2. Gun Priest - Wandering priest of Lady Smoke and Father Lead, uses guns and spells to bring down the corrupted souls of the world.
    3. Scorn Land Warrior - grew up as part of a warrior tribe, but ventured away to seek your own fortune rather than all of it going to the tribe.
    4. Monster Honcho - a person who can commune with creatures (animals and monsters are the same for this) and tame them to be their followers.
  • Mage
    1. Arcane Blooded - the arcane powers of the infinite tapestry of the universe are drawn to you inexplicably and you learn new spells naturally, but cannot memorize new spells or change the spells you know.
    2. Undertaker - necromantic magic users found in most towns that are there to help expel the undead hordes.
    3. Academic Spellcaster - knows a lot of magic, can scribe a scroll from any spellbook and cast from their own scrolls, but can't memorize spells, though their deep knowledge of arcane lore has granted them some spell like cantrips.
    4. Wildlands Druid - Druids are priests of nature, protecting wild lands from the encroachment of “civilized” Law and the corrupting touch of Chaos. They worship the force of nature itself, personified in the form of various nature deities.

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