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Common Knowledge

Things they know are true about the world:
Common Exchange Rates
1 gold coin is 10 silver coins
1 silver coin is 10 copper coins
  • The dead rise within 1 week of their initial death as undead (typical zombies)
    • This is caused Delic's Smite, the name given to a vast area beyond the Amoek's Lamp near the city of Siddinate.
    • The poison from their bite is known to make people go mad if not treated. (Turns into 28 days later style zombie)
  • Sometimes the dead rise due to immense tragedy or unjustly being killed
    • This is caused by Father Lead (god of Justice) deciding the way someone died was worthy of revenge, but there is no justice without trials.
  • The oceans are far deeper much closer to shore than in ancient times and the watery darkness is home to monstrous leviathans. Nowhere in Neomerin are ships built that could handle one of them.
  • Black-powder weapons exist, with an extremely rare cap and ball revolver as well. They are extremely deadly, loud, and make a lot of smoke. Using them will draw attention, but the stopping power is unmatched.
  • Trinkets are small magic items that have some effect or use. They are scattered throughout Neomerin. Their purpose isn't always clear. These are not the same as magic items. Trinkets cannot be constructed.
  • Sorcery (arcane magic) leads to power hungry insanity and a complete loss of humanity.
    • That kind of magic isn't the same as what most people practice today. That sort of sorcery involves ritualistic magic and pacts with dark forces beyond this world.


  • Brirenthia used to control everything west of the Nacairres River ever since the first king of Brirenthia defeated the last of the great Sorcerer Kings.
    • After generations of peaceful rule the eruption in Delic's Smite caused so much chaos and havoc in the world the Brirenthian Empire began to shrink.
    • Gildenore the II has seen the family's power is waning due to his father's decision to the Gildenore Mail system and the Merchant League emerging from the wealthy nobles who separated their financial affairs from the Kingdom and formed their own group.
    • Rumors: There was once a prosperous town in the far north of the Brirenthia that is now lost in the unclaimed wildlands along the northern part of the Naicarres. It is said the town was removed from all existing maps with an arcane enchantment from a wizard residing there. Everyone's heard stories of the horrors that occur there.
  • East and West Ivoryport are run by the Merchant League. There's always a place to sleep and a hot meal for anyone who can do a day's work and for those that can really shine there could be some coin for them as well.
    • Though everyone's heard a rumor or two about the awful conditions. The propaganda machines just churn out promises to the contrary
  • Iyllgarth is not a city as much as a hallway with an endless number of doors to other demi-planes and inhabitants from all over the multi-verse.
    • Rumors: It is easy to get lost and never find your way our here. There's dangerous creatures and powerful beings that use humans as cat's paws. Yet even among these dangers are wonders and beauties so profound they could separate one's soul from their body with sheer awe.
  • The Zuragi are a decent people that are always welcoming to outsiders. Their kingdom is a sweltering desert that few non-Zuragi can tolerate long term without fear of heat-stroke or dehydrations.
    • It's rumored that there is a town in the desert someplace that is a hidden oasis. A unique space protected by a strange Outsider arratu. it is said the troubles of the outside world never reach the town.
  • The Western Wildlands had been part of the Brirenthia Kingdom, but were lost due to a curse by the retreating Elds (not a typo). The Eld used their advanced Works to curse the lands and the few poor souls that found themselves there.
    • Rumors: There are tribes of humans there that were profoundly altered and twisted by the Outsider's technology that still protect the lands and keep other humans away. It is rumored that a druidic temple once resided here and was the headquarters of the group that started the rebellion against the Eld that drove them out of Neomerin and back into the sea.
  • The Eastern Wildlands beyond the Naicarres are a vast ancient forest with the ruins of great civilizations, tribes of people that communicate with the spirits and have learned to ascend into the clouds. The truths of these lands exist only as rumors.
    • The passage to the Ultraviolet Grasslands only opened within the past decade. There are many who say traveling there you can find fortunes in trade and objects of power beyond anything conceived in Neomerin. The trip is a long and arduous one through with no road markings to guide you along the way.
  • The Shattered Coast and the Fetid Lands are distant places, but the Scathe are known throughout Neomerin. They carry stories of the Canyon rivers, forgotten civilizations, and hidden cities that aren't even aware there is a larger world beyond their borders.

As Players you should be aware of the map's scale. Below is a picture of long beach with roughly the same scale applied to it. This should give you an idea of what a 12 mile hex can contain. Each smaller hex is roughly 1 mile from side to side.

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