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New Rule: Unstuck Me Filler Episode

There may come a time when you've reached a point in a quest where you hit a wall, either due to actions you took or just not seeing how the pieces fit together. This kills a campaign in the worst way possible and to avoid that I decided to add this option.   These are meant to be like mini-missions/adventures that you will get to work for the thing you're after. They are meaningless in so far as they will be semi-random and what happens during them won't necessarily affect the world at large. Think of these as those filler episodes of the X-Files where they stopped talking about the main plot to do some side thing and then during the last 5 minutes of the episode there's a scene about the main plot of the show.   Essentially you say: "I need help to..."
  • Find a location
  • Find a Information
  • Find an NPC
you'll get an immediate obvious hook "There's a bandit camp nearby where someone knows info."/ "There's a nobleman throwing a party and he knows the info you need." / "Locals say the nearby mine was closed when they found ruins depicting the thing you are after." etc.   When you resolve that adventure you'll get further information about the thing you're trying to find. It won't ever be a solution that resolves the quest, but it will always give you more information to work on.

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