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XP and How to Get It

Tavern Nights

Always on a weekend night.   These are nights where the characters have made it to a town/city safely and are blowing off steam at the local tavern. We as players will be doing the same with our drinking in real time. There will be awards from the GM (Best Roleplay, Best Shenanigan, and maybe some others) with 1d4 x 100 XP. There will also be XP awards nominated from the players worth 75XP. These nominations can be for anything the other player in the game since last tavern night: saving the group, making everyone laugh with a joke some session, having the exact right item for the moment, etc. There's no real criteria for these except it needs to be based the players in or out of character action during a session, think of it like you are all toasting to various moments in your recent adventures.  

Physical and Social Combat XP

Gain XP equal to 10x the HD of the strongest creature defeated in combat that session. The same value and multi-plier is applied for social combat. If you trick a high level character into believing something that removes them as a threat, that counts as a defeat.  

Questing on Your Own or for Others

Classic quest type of XP. You get your XP for completing quests. The main difference is that in addition to getting quests from Patrons or villagers or whoever, you're also able to set some of your own (a la Ironsworn). XP scales with your character. A quest to forge your own weapon is gonna be worth a lot more at an early level than at a higher level when it's an easier task for you.  

Field Notes for XP and SP

Every character starts with a journal that can hold 5 notes safely if you want to sell them later. You can purchase additional journals from most towns. The purpose is for storing your field notes for later sale. If your journal is full, you can replace an existing item in it with a new one.   You gain XP for all those that you save, so if you keep getting rid of one to fit in new ones you'll keep getting XP, but you'll lose the chance to get paid for them by selling them. If you can find a seeker of knowledge (Academic Spellcaster Guild, Scholars, Guild of Sages, Traveling Scholar, etc) you can sell them for the prices listed below. You may be able to negotiate a better price from an interested party.   There are two ways to create field notes:
  • Physically creating them on paper, sketching the creature and labeling it, or writing an account of how to kill the creature, etc, then posting that to the slack. No skill roll is required here. There is a bonus for flourish, character signatures, and other things that make it seem more authentic. There's an immediate bonus of 100XP per reasonable flourish added (50 signatures isn't gonna make it more valuable.) There will also be a Tavern Night vote for best piece and most ridiculous yet somehow still accurate award.
  • Alternatively you can attempt skill rolls at this. The default skill for drawing/note taking is Craft or Work - artist/surveyor/etc. For getting samples from monsters it requires a Heal or Work - butcher/veterinarian/etc. Be forewarned though, staring at a horrifying creature for an extended period of time means you'll end up testing a mental save.
Here are some general values that you can use to gauge what you might get for it. Don't think this list is all inclusive. Feel free to come up with your own and ask the GM for the XP value of it.
  • Sketch on the fly of a monster: 5xp/sp (x1 if the monster is common, x2 if uncommon, x5 if rare, x10 if very rare)
  • Sketch of a monster from careful study: 15xp/sp per week of close observation (same modifiers)
  • Sketch of a monster from memory: 2xp/sp (same modifiers)
  • Detailed notes on a monster: 5xp/sp (same modifiers)
  • Monster sample (hair, bone, tooth, etc.): 10xp/sp (same modifiers)
  • Monster corpse: 50xp/sp (same modifiers)
  • Live monster: 100xp/sp (same modifiers)
  • Quick scouting map of new hex (takes 1 week of exploration for a 12 mile hex, multiplied by travel rate (e.g., x1 for open terrain, x3 for hilly, etc.)): Roll d100+(1d20/per point in wilderness Survival) = # of hexes you sketched. 10xp/sp per inner hex traversed. Minimum = 5 hexes.
  • Detailed map of new hex (takes 3 weeks of exploration for a 12 mile hex): Roll d100+(1d20/per point in wilderness Survival) = # of hexes you sketched. 20xp/sp per inner hex traversed. Minimum = 10 hexes.
    • A hex can continue to be mapped until it 120 hexes have been mapped within it.
  • Map to a special site from nearest settlement: 250xp/sp per hex traversed
  • Detailed account of an adventure: actually write that as an in character journal entry. 1000xp/sp

These are modifiers that will affect the overall value of the fieldnote.
  • Terrain Value
    • Plains or savannas 0.5
    • Light forest or desert 1
    • Dense forest or rugged hills 1.5
    • Swamp or marsh 2
    • Mountains or arratu wastelands 3

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