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Session 13: Buttons down River Report

General Summary

April 7, 022  
  • We sail northward with Savrial scouting ahead and a net flies by in an attempt to capture them. Skipper suggests we go shoreside and leaps into the water to investigate but is attacked by an alligator. He kills it and we continue on.

  • The fog cloud gets thicker and thicker the further down the river we go, and the next time a net is thrown at Savrial it manages to catch them. The net belongs to Skull Children, who Savrial promptly knocks out and escapes from. We decide to take the rest of the trip on foot, letting the boat float along in the water beside us pulling it along.

  • Clapperclaw tells us about floating islands that are not too far ahead and we go in that direction. We spot Captain Morgan’s vessel in the distance and try to lay low.

  • The swift current ends up pulling our boat along away from us as the rope snaps and we are unable to catch up to it, but in trying to we come across who Captain Morgan was firing cannons at; Will of the Feywild floating down the river in barrels along with some other children, being attacked also by goblins along the riverbank.

  • We attack the goblins, and Savrial and Hothran jump into the empty barrels to join the kids in the river.
Jinx Morrowgaze
Fennigan Dapplefoot
Hothran Steelbender
Ashton Mr. Fox
Report Date
08 Apr 2022


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