BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 26: Embiggin... Things Report

General Summary

  • We kill all of the basilisks and investigate the cave, finding a very deep crevice which Ash throws himself into to test how deep it is, knocking himself unconscious. Savvy and Jinx manage to rappel down to stabilize and rescue him.

  • Meanwhile, Skipper and Fennigan chat with the medusa, who was amenable to making a deal with us for the potion until she learned we killed all of her pets, refusing to speak with us after that.

  • Ash decides to investigate the super dark room and gets stabbed by a statue that comes to life. Savvy speaks with the medusa and we offer to try to replace the basilisks we killed. With a couple of options at our disposal but much larger quests we need to continue, we decide as a group to head towards the mines to look for the secret tunnel into the castle.

  • Along the way we come upon a traveling cart and make some purchases, including 3 basilisk eggs. The new plan becomes delivering these eggs to the medusa and then going to the mines so that we don’t have to worry about the safety of the eggs.
Jinx Morrowgaze
Fennigan Dapplefoot
Hothran Steelbender
Ashton Mr. Fox
Report Date
22 Jul 2022


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