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Session 3: Heist at the Carnival Report

General Summary

January 13, 2022  
  • Hrothran recognizes another felis that proposes to their beloved in front of a mannequin of Tasha, and his beloved laughs at him, causing him to run into the Hall of Illusions in despair.

  • Fen catches up to the kenku, who introduces themselves as Kettlesteam. The kenku agreed to a pact with Zybilna, the patron of the carnival, in exchange for magic but hasn’t been able to get in touch with her in a while. They were acting out and causing trouble around the carnival to see if they could garner her attention. They mentioned an Hourglass Coven that also has members wandering the carnival.

  • Hrothran catches up with the felis, Reuben, who was at the same orphanage as he was growing up. Hrothran advises him to propose again just in a different spot, thinking maybe the mannequin had an effect on his beloved that made her react that way. On Hrothran’s way back he sees a person wearing a pig mask in the corner of his eye but they disappear before he can know for sure.

  • Savrial goes looking for the portal to the Feywild and doesn’t find it, but does come across a little girl in a black mask with a moon around it. She also disappears before he can interact with her.

  • Kettlesteam agrees to help us steal the pocket watch from Mr. Witch and waits for us to have a better plan in place.

  • After leaving the Hall of Illusions, Jinx and Fen realize that Kettlesteam had Candlefoot the mime’s voice the entire time, but are unsure how they managed to steal it.

  • Jinx finds a unicorn tarot card in her pocket and the group decides to go on the carousel ride. One from each of the four unicorn pairs are missing their names and we guess all but the last pair correctly; Fortune and Bold, Pride and Fall, and Stone and Moss. All but Savrial sit on a unicorn with their correct names and are each given a flash of fortune:
Skipper - the person that took what was stolen from him is in a hollowed out tree in a Sylvan forest
Fen - their thing was stolen by Gabatha Nightshade
Hrothran - he lost a toy, and it was taken by a hag who has foreseen her own death, during an eclipse
Jinx - the one that has what she lost lives in a rambling cottage on stilts
Clyde - the one that has what he lost is allergic to seeing someone run counterclockwise

  • We scheme up a plan to steal the pocket watch from Mr. Light at the monarch crowning ceremony and Kettlesteam gives Clyde an old key before we head to the big top. Savrial wins the Witchlight Monarch title and Hrothran steals the watch just as planned. Burly sneaks us back into the employee area to confront Mr. Witch and Mr. Light

  • They admit that they knew things and people were disappearing at the carnival, taken by the Hourglass Coven as payment. They also have not been able to contact Zybilna in a while. They agree to send us safely to the Feywild to investigate further in exchange for the pocket watch back and take us back to the Hall of Illusions.

  • Mr. Light tells us to ‘find the allicorn and free the dormant queen at last’ before ushering us through the portal to Prismyre. We arrive on a highway of sorts, 100ft above a swamp, and come across a sign that mentions the three rules of the Feywild; Hospitality in being gracious and accommodating, Reciprocity if offered a gift you are obliged to accept it and return the favor, and Ownership, no stealing allowed.
Jinx Morrowgaze
Fennigan Dapplefoot
Hothran Steelbender
Ashton Mr. Fox
Player Journals
Day off...what's a day off? by Jinx Morrowgaze
Report Date
14 Jan 2022


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