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Session 4: Hither, Part 1 Report

General Summary

January 27, 2022
  • It has been a long day and the party decides to rest, with all but Clyde taking watch. Jinx and Fen have a heartfelt exchange while shenanigans ensue between Skipper, Savrial, and Mr. Ash Fox.

  • Morning in the Feywild happens abruptly and we are able to get a better sense of our surroundings. Mr. Ash Fox spies a hot air balloon that crashes in the southeast and we all climb down into the fog below us to explore.

  • We come across a band of harengon bandits who want to rob us of the memory of the best gift we’ve ever received. Clyde willingly gives up this memory but the rest of the group try to talk our way out of the situation, which does not work, and a brawl breaks out. We managed to knock out all but one of the bandits with the help of the giant snail, Snailipottomus Harrington III, that the bandits were traveling with but mistreating.

  • After looting the bandits, we take the gourd they were using to trap memories in and open it allowing all of the memories to escape back to those that they belong to. The bandit we kept awake, Brandon, tells us they work for Agdon Longscarf on the tollway and the memories are for him.

  • We learn of Bevlorna, one of the Hourglass Coven members, who lives in the city of Downfall. There is also a house on stilts, ‘the inn at the end of the road.’ Brandon agrees to get us to the tower where we saw the hot air balloon crash in exchange for 4 buttons, which Fen agrees to. We make it to the tower and Brandon gives Mr. Ash Fox a map before departing.

  • Savrial finds a faerie dragon trapped in a cage that was on the hot air balloon. Their name is Sir Talavar and they were trying to infiltrate Downfall on behalf of Titania, the Summer Queen. In order to open the cage Bevlorna trapped them in we need to see if Jinglejangle has the key, and Sir Talavar tells us we need to go to Tellamy Hill to find them, but we must be wary of the snakes.
Jinx Morrowgaze
Fennigan Dapplefoot
Hothran Steelbender
Ashton Mr. Fox
Report Date
28 Jan 2022


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