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Dimo Densharr

"I wasn't just gonna leave you to die."
— Dimo to Sasha, after following her, despite it not being in the plan
  Dimo Densharr is the youngest sibling of the Densharr Tribe, and brother of Sasha Densharr. He is young and naïve, and has a deep-rooted desire to be independent and successful. After the Densharr Tribe was destroyed, Dimo wound up in Mainfair for years, until he went back to Remington Kingdom with his sister.    


Dimo is a Ka-Tar male, and is quite short compared to his brothers, standing at 5'3". He has black, grey, and brown fur like a tabby, similar to his family's. He has messy, long hair and bangs that fall into his eyes. His fur is generally quite mismanaged and scruffy, even missing patches of fur in some places. Due to his weak body, Dimo's build is quite thin and lacking in any muscle. He has only been seen wearing simple, dirty clothes and a large, multi-pocketed jacket.


Dimo is easily the most childish of his siblings. He has shown to refuse any assistance, even if he desperately needs it. He's quick to temper, especially thanks to the constant teasing from his brothers. He's shown to be distrustful of others; strangers most of all. This distrust seems to have only grown over the years, shown from his caution upon reuniting with Sasha.
Despite this, it's clear over his short time with Sasha that he still has an attachment with his family. Dimo's initial caution around Sasha disappeared within days, and he seemed to regain a level of comfort from her presence.


Dimo was born to Tashar Densharr and Nadia Densharr, and spent most of his childhood with his tribe. Dimo was born with an illness that crippled his growth, rendering him smaller and less capable than his brothers. While his family understood, to a degree, Dimo did not. He constantly tried to get involved with activities far beyond what he could handle. He was injured often because of this.
After the bandits attacked, Dimo somehow ended up in Mainfair, where he settled for some time. He got by selling odds and ends to Mainfair's people, and stealing from more well-off individuals.
After Jinskarr Karek arrived in Mainfair, Dimo was hired to move a cache of Revolt at a specific time. He would wind up helping the Misfits in tracking down the Revolt, and ultimately putting an end to Jinskarr's reign.


  • Sasha Densharr: Dimo's opinion of Sasha, while initially sour, has grown closer. While the two of them still tease each other, there's a sense of understanding among them, and their bond grows stronger every day.


  • Dimo is afflicted with an unknown birth defect that has caused him to develop slower than others. He also has a weaker respiratory system, and has less stamina.
  • To this day, Dimo writes everything in Ka-Tish.

Character Information

  Name: Dimo Densharr   Age: 21   Occupation: None   Creature Type: Humanoid   Race: Ka-Tar   Alignment: Chaotic Good   Languages: Common, Ka-Tish   Status: Alive

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