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Stane is an ancient and crafty black market dealer, though he wasn't always one to make the wisest of choice. As a young man, Stane discovered a genie lamp and used his wish to ask for eternal life. He neglected to ask for eternal youth to go along with it, and now his body is so weak he can only move from the neck up. Stane is usually seen resting comfortably in a padded coffin, causing visitors to often mistake him for an undead. He is serviced by his stone golem, Thaddeus Gigantus Crumbum the Third, and often accompanied by his pet miniature bear, Chauncey.   Table of Contents

Quest for the Quintus Gems Campaign

Stane operated out of the sewers in the city of Lakeview, the largest city in the region of Jezero. His secret shop was well hidden, its location only known to his network of street urchin spies and thieves who could lead potential customers selected by Stane himself to the shop. Despite his immobility, Stane is a capable wizard and expert in the area of magical items. He is well versed in the usage and creation (and theft) of magic items, willing to sell just about anything to individuals whose causes he deems worthy for the right price.   The Barrel Boys were among Stane's many customers. During the group's first encounter with him, Stane developed an instant liking towards Yandhi for his confident, can-do attitude. Stane supplied the adventurers with several magical items that aided them throughout their journey, most of which were stolen from rich merchants or the local wizard's guild.   This did come back to bite Stane when a group of adventurers tracked down his shop looking for a magical cloak Yandhi had previously purchased on behalf of the item's original owner. Stane denied he had any knowledge of the cloak's whereabouts, but as the adventurers were leaving the Barrel Boys teleported to Stane's shop and the cloak triggered their tracking spell. The Barrel Boys, mistakenly believing the adventurers were after the Quintus Gems, killed the adventurers as they burst back into the shop with assistance from Stane and his guards. In thanks, Stane gifted them a devastation orb of earth that they used to cause severe casualties against an orc army shortly thereafter. He also informed the group that he would be leaving the city, and likely Jezero altogether, to get away from the city's new, increasingly brutal martial law.  

Uncovering the Underdark campaign

Welcome to Haven City Arc

Week One

After fleeing Jezero, Stane ended up in Haven City on the central continent. He took to setting up his services in the sewers once again, finding a suitable area to enchant into a hideout with the help of Thaddeus and Chauncey. Some time after this, Paul Perrywinkle learned of Stane's services and hired Stane to get him and his daughter out of the city via teleportation circle. The nobles met up with Stane shortly after Peggy Perrywinkle's rescue by a group of local adventurers, with Thaddeus crushing a giant sewer rat that tried to attack them in the process. They were then unknowingly followed by the adventurer Leh'ct, who saw the secret entrance to Stane's new shop as well as the secret code that revealed the hidden entryway.  

Week Two

Stane had noticed Leh'ct the previous week and figured it was only a matter of time before the urchin came snooping around. Roughly a week later, this prediction proved true when he returned alongside Jake. Watching the duo via invisible scrying orbs he'd placed outside the hidden door, Stane got some amusement at Jake's antics at trying to be let in by any other method than using the combination Stane knew Leh'ct had learned. But he only wished to hire adventurers bold enough to take initiative in the face of potential danger, eventually forcing Jake to relent and push the code on the hidden bricks.   Jake was led inside (with Leh'ct in his pocket wild shaped as a lizard) and Stane greeted them to the future site of his soon to be reopened Black Emporium. His words made it clear that he knew Leh'ct was there, causing the embarrassed drow to crawl out of Jake's pocket and change back into his usual self. Stane seemed quite jolly and had a task for which he wished to hire them. He needed people more mobile than himself to travel a few days from Haven City and collected pinkish-purplish leaves from a special tree, saying the leaves had medicinal properties so long as they were collected at the right time of year.   This sounded like a good offer to Jake, who accepted the job on behalf of himself and his companions. When Leh'ct thanked Stane for getting the Perrywinkles to safety, he told the young drow that he was a fine urchin. And that he was an expert at such things, having known many urchins in his time. He also told Leh'ct that once the Black Emporium was back up and running he'd have jobs running messages and other small errands for the city's urchins, asking Leh'ct to start spreading the word.  

Week Four

Jake returned a few weeks later with Vinnie Vice and Elycia Mirais in tow, having collected the leaves Stane was looking to purchase. He proved to be most friendly with Jake and Vinnie, though Elycia remained quiet when Stane mentioned disliking "lawful good, holier than thou" types of people. Along with paying them for the leaves, he also translated an adamantine tablet they'd found that seemed to point towards Captain Xavier's Lost Treasure before warning them the building marked on the map was said to be haunted.   He also used some feathers Vinnie had recovered from an owlbear to create a quiver of Owlbear-Fletched Arrows for the party after paying them and before bidding them adieu. The adventurers did not inquire about the 'medical properties' of the pink leaves they collected. Thus, they did not discover that they were a key ingredient in making fake rubber elven ears that would sell well to the city's brothels. Stane, in his moral dubiousness, categorized these items as 'curing an ailing heart', hence his description of their use as medical.  

Week Five

After the adventurers were forced to flee Haven City without most of their supplies for the Underdark expedition, Leh'ct used an animal messenger spell to inform Stane about the abandoned goods. Seeing an opportunity to enhance his network of orphan helpers, Stane had his constructs recover the goods and later arranged for them to be delivered to the new orphanarium at the Sinclair Mansion. This kept the children well fed while the renovations were completed and gave them plenty of seeds that they could grow into fresh crops to eat on their new land, ensuring Stane's future helpers would have a healthy diet to boost their stamina.  

Journey Into the Underdark Arc

A little over a month into the Thaig Expedition's journey into the Underdark, Stane contacted Leh'ct using a sending spell to inform him a new orphanarium had been built, partially thanks to the funds the young druid had left behind in Haven City. Leh'ct replied in his usual long-winded fashion, unaware of the 25 word limit on the sending spell, and Stane chose not to recast the spell to reply to his incomplete message.

Character Portrait image: Lich by Llyncis


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