Various Terms Break Down (Hang on I need to set a pronunciation guide for something spelled in Common?)

You may have noticed that we use various classification systems when classifying articles. This Codex Entry is meant to help understand what they all mean. Any terms that don't warrant their own Codex Entry but do warrant explanation will be explained here.

Levels of existence

Within the metaverse, there are 13 different classifications or levels of existence; they are summed up below.

Landmass level

A level 1 plane would be the equivalent of a country or continent on a planet. If you are traveling cross country, you are traveling on the 1st level of existence.

Planetary level

Level 2 planes are planets; if you cross different landmasses on the same world, you are traveling on the second level of existence.

Solar System Level

The 3rd level of existence is the solar system; if you are traveling from planet to planet in the same solar system, you are traveling on the 3rd level of existence. Sense a pattern here yet?

Galaxy Level

The 4th level is the galaxy level; if you are traveling from different solar systems in the same galaxy, you are traveling on the galaxy level.

Universe level

The 5th level is the universe level; if you are traveling from galaxy to galaxy in the same universe, you are traveling on the universe level.

Multiverse level

The 6th level is the Multiverse level; if you are traveling between universes in the same multiverse, you are traveling on the multiverse level.

Multiverse Set level

The 7th level is the Multiverse Set level; if you are traveling between multiverses in the same set, you are traveling on the 7th level. And yes, there are things more extensive than a multiverse in the metaverse.


The 8th level is the Subrealm level. If you are traveling between different multiverse sets or omniverses within a subrealm, you are traveling on this level. And yes, there are different omniverses within certain realms. Head hurting yet? Don't worry; we only have five more levels to go through.

Subrealm set

The 9th level is the Subrealm set Level. If you are traveling between different subrealms in the same set, you are traveling on this level. And yes, there are subrealm sets; a good example would be traveling from T'Drassiel to Feint/Lurensia, which are both in the 2058 Subrealm set.


The 10th level is the Realm level; if you are traveling anywhere above the subrealm set level but within the same realm, you are traveling in this level.

Realm System Level

The 11th level is the realm system level. If you are traveling between two realms in the same realm system, you are traveling on this level.

Metaverse Level

The 12th level of existence is the metaverse level. When traveling between different realm systems, you are traveling on this level.
And those are all 13 levels of existence that exist here. What? I only mentioned 12? Not sure what you are talking about. I definitely listed all 13.

Codex Entry IDs

Most if not all entries in the eternal codex have an entry id for quick and easy lookup. The Entry IDs all follow this format:

Artificial Relic ID Entry Format

Origin L13 Existence-Origin Realm-Origin Project ID-Project Iteration-iteration Variant If the Realm of Origin is unknown or not any realm that is currently registered. the realm ID will be 0000 A great example of an Artificial Relic Entry ID is MV-0000-9966-0-A, or in layman's terms The Amulet of Dreams. The ID is broken down in the tooltips if you are curious how that specific id breaks down.

Realm ID Entry Format

Origin L13 Existence-Realm ID A great example of a Realm ID would be MV-2058 which translates to Realm ID 2058 or Teldrassil. For more info on how Realm IDs are calculated see the Realm ID format section after this one.

About Subrealms

Subrealms follow a subset of the Realm ID Entry format. Origin L13 existence-Realm ID-Subream ID As an example: MV-2058-A would be the first Subrealm in Teldrassil; T'Drassiel, the World Tree of Life.

Items Of Anomolous Origin(IOAO)

Items Of anomalous Origin, or IOAO for short, follow a different ID format than other relics. IOAO-0000-Relic ID The Originating Realm ID format is always 0000 since it is unclear where the relic came from at all. The originating L13 section is also always IOAO since it's unclear if they came from here or where they came from, to begin with. A fantastic example of an IOAO is The Authors Pen, which has this id: IOAO-0000-717.

Entity Entry ID Format

Entities within the metaverse all gain their own IDs the moment they interact with any equipment connected to the main big Organizations within here. They follow two different formats depending on whether they were born naturally or artificially formed by one of the projects done by any big organization.

Natural Born Entites

Natural Born entites follow this format: Origin L13 existence-Origin Realm-Origin Subrealm-Entity ID

Unnatural Entities

Entities that do not originate from natural causes follow this format instead: Origin L13 existence-Origin Realm-Origin Subrealm-ProjectID-Entity ID
About RB
As RiftBorn as of current have no known origin location they follow a different and simplifed ID format for their characters. RB-Entity ID If their origin location ends up being discovered, their ID gets updated to follow the format that matches their nature, most often the naturalborn format.

Realm ID Formatting

Every realm in the metaverse is given a designated Realm ID, which corresponds to its distance away from the Main Hub in the Shadow Zone. The IDs can be translated into xyz coordinates in this fashion: XZ-Y. So Realm ID 2057 is 20 Celestial Miles in the X direction and 57 Celestial Miles in the Z direction away from the Main Hub.

Celestial distances and you

Because of the vast expansive distances that the metaverse is made up of, we use a special measurement system for measuring distances between different realms. The breakdown is listed below:
Celestial Mile = 30 Gigaparsecs
100 Celestial Miles = 3 Teraparsecs
300 Celestial Miles = 1 Petaparsecs
300000 Celestial Miles = 1 Exaparsec
3,000,000 Celestial Miles = 1 Zettaparsec
30,000,000 Celestial Miles = 1 Yottaparsec
3,000,000,000 Celestial Miles = 1 CTM (Celestial Territorial Mile)
10 CTM = The overall diameter of the metaverse

This is a Stub

History is written by the victors, but those who do not know the truth are condemned to repeat the mistakes of those who came before them

This entry is a Stub and will be expanded on in the future.

Rift Born Entry

Welcome to the Genesis Chamber, the front door to the Nexus

This entry is for a Rift Born, an entity who has arrived here via the Genesis Chamber. Their story has only just begun, so expect this entry to be updated quite often as their story unfolds within the vast expanse.

WIP Character Entry

Your story has only just begun.

This is an entry about an individual who's story is only just begun and will be expanded upon regularly. Be sure to check back often as there might be new things to learn about this particular individual.

This article has no secrets.


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