Temples of the Palm Building / Landmark in Niya-Yur | World Anvil

Temples of the Palm

When one is leaving a trail of blood is not the time to ask where to find help.
— Duke
  Good health is critical to successfully navigating the twisting roads of fate.   Luckily adventurers, merchants, nobles, and all sentients are welcome to the healing houses of Lady Sula. In every major city of Niya-Yur regardless of race or nationality, a Temple of the Palm can be found. Along merchant routes and in rural communities small chapels of Lady Sula can be found by their distinctive bright white exteriors with bright green palm leaf etched above the doorways. Larger temples are made of an ancient material that feels like glass and cannot be marked with any paint or other dyes or stains. The smaller chapels are whitewashed regularly by the initiates of Lady Sula.  

Temple Layouts

The interiors of every healing house are almost identical based on the size of the building.  

Large Temples

Have two parallel rooms with wide steps leading up to wide double doors that are only closed against inclement weather and which have no locking mechanisms.   The left entrance doorway always leads to an emergency hospital area laid out in a grid with medical supplies, clean water, drinking vessels, and a mattress cot. Sheets of clean white cotton are strung on a gridwork of hanging rods allowing each cot area to be visually isolated from the rest of the room.   Behind the large emergency room are a handful of surgeries that are brightly lit with magical lights and have an array of sterile medical tools.   The right entrance doorway leads to a chapel with a series of benches aligned to viewing a pedestal with a silver and gold statuette of Lady Sula with a palm leaf amulet that glows softly. The amulet glows brighter when sentients are opening themselves to gift worship to Lady Sula. All worshipers can tell what part of the glow is from them.   Details on the glow
The glowing is a powerful training tool developed by Lady Dalpha (Lady Sula's mother) to train her worshipers to better gift their mana to the collector. The temple collectors are located in the head cleric's chambers and can be tapped for extra power by special armbands given to the senior priests and priestesses for healing purposes.   Also, a 50% mana "tax" is channelled to Lady Sula herself. But, this is not something well known except by very senior members of the grand temples in the capital cities.
  Behind the temple area are some offices where the temple workers keep accounting books, stores of foods and materials, and other general business offices.   On the second floor are the living cells of the acolytes and clerics with a few not overly luxurious rooms for senior surgeons and leading physicians, surgeons, and clerics.   There are usually two or three side/rear doors, depending on the city layout and location of the temple for deliveries and the coming and going of staff.  

Village Chapels

Have three entrances. The large front entrance leads directly to a smaller version of the temple emergency rooms. Beyond which will be one or two surgeries and a handful of administrative offices.   A large side entrance will lead to a foyer chamber with a wide-open archway to a small chapel room with the same kind of statuette of Lady Sula as the larger temples.   The third entrance is a smaller residential type door that will lead to the few living cells and private rooms for the chapel's attendants  

Community Healing Chapels

Community healing chapels of Lady Sula are found in various forms. Regardless of the layout, there will always be a small separate surgery and an emergency care room that can deal with three or more people at once.  


Lady Sula like her mother Lady Dalpha does not require nor allow her clerics to give any kind of standard worship service. Instead, the clerics provide tutoring for children or adults in language, art, and healing for free which are usually include a slight sprinkling of "by the blessing of the Lords and Ladies." Instead, individuals who desire to support Lady Sula are encouraged to simply come and worship for an hour or two a week while considering the teachings of the temple which are written on large plaques around the worship chapels.   All of the healing houses will have a donations box by the doors of the emergency rooms, surgeries, and chapels.   It is not known if anyone has attempted to steal from a healing house. Because anyone who is injured is always treated until they can be moved home for free even the most notorious villains have avoided damaging or attacking the healing houses.   Even the powerful Niya-Samri left the healing houses and temples alone when they leveled all other temples and government buildings in conquered towns during the Niya-Samri war. However, although the Niya-Samri warriors did no harm to any cleric, temple, or acolyte of Lady Dalpha and they did take Lady Sula prisoner during their war with the Duianna Alliance. And their grand warlord personally killed Lady Dalpha in the Duianna Alliance council hall before Duke himself. (Note if you value your life never ask Duke about this incident. Even years later mentioning the death of Lady Dalpha sends him into a rage.)
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Temple / Church

Twitch Participants



★ Joy W Wilson
★ Rhel
★ Sam Poe
♡ Ryan Zenker
♡ Graham Brown
♡ Andy Amedgin
♡ Emerald Barnes
♡ Colby R. Rice
♡ Mary Maceluch
♡ John Hildebrand
♡ Nick Bowden
♡ Paul
♡ Troy Dukart
♡ Traci Fairchild

Twitch Followers


Cover image: by Leeland Artra


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