Caldor Lionsmane

Caldor Lionsmane is an author who currently lives in Malaton. They are known for their published memoir and are currently developing works of fiction and poetry.



Caldor stands a mighty 6 feet tall and has deep green skin. He has grown a thick white beard over the years and has a long selection of white hair to match. When roaming around the streets of Malaton it is done with the aid of a wheelchair that he has outfitted with several useful magical enchantments. They most commonly wear a collection of silk robes above a simple shirt and trousers, each reminders of the journey they have taken.


Many people describe Caldor as sweet, especially as they have gotten older. Though its not uncommon to see a powerful spark in their eyes at the mention of adventure. Their mind has started to wander more as they reach their twilight years, but this has not been a hindrance on their wit and intellect.


Born in 671 AR, Caldor had two Orc parents who took care of him for the first twelve years of his life. At that point he was sent to the arcane academy known as Blackstone Keep where he trained for four years, with a particular focus on enchantment and illusionary magic. However, once his time was completed at the Keep, he chose to move to a life of adventuring to gain new experiences that he could not get stuck in classroom walls.   From here, Caldor picked up a pen and kept track of his journies and adventures across Nonvyrox, he travelled all across the globe and is one of the few people to have written records of The Moon Shards, which he visited in his 40s with his wife and first child. Eventually at the ripe old age of 70, he retired and decided to compile his works into a book to release to the masses. The release of "The Adventures of a Madman with a Book" was immense and built a fortune for the elderly Lionsmane.   He and his wife have three children who take care of them. Caldor encourages each of them to travel on their own adventures, learning more about the world from the stories that they bring back and return to him. He is currently working on a fictional novel about a land where magic doesn't exist and fantastical creatures like dragons are just small non-lethal lizards.
Caldor Lionsmane
Character Information
Name Caldor Lionsmane
Pronouns He/She/They
Titles Best Selling Author
Creature Type Humanoid
Ancestry Orc
Class Bard
Age 84
Alignment Neutral
Languages Common
Place Malaton
Connections Archani Conclave
Profession Author
Status Alive

Character Information

Notable Items

Traveller's Chair

Enchanted for ease of movement, the Traveller's Chair was specifically designed for use by Caldor. In a pinch the chair can act as a weapon or a vehicle for retreat. Despite this, its greatest enchantment has never seen use, it allows the chair to transform into an automaton that both protects Caldor, but also allows them to attack those around them.

Lionsmane Book and Quill

A magical enchantment cast by Caldor, he created the Book and Quill with the intention of allowing him to dictate his works and have them be written down. When activated, the Book and Quill allow the author to write their own stories and command changes to the writing if necessary. As such, there is a level of sentience to each of the items.


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Aug 7, 2024 20:42 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I like that their mind has started to wander a bit, but it hasn't had an effect on their wit. They'd be fun to hang out with, I think.

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