Dark Devotion

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The Dark Devotion is a traditional ceremony performed by members of the Bloodband to highlight their devotion to the Demonic master that an individual member serves.


Upon selection by a Demon Lord, an individual starts the process of the Dark Devotion. The first aspect of the ritual is to kill a humanoid and gather a vial of their blood to use as part of the binding in the ritual. The individual then takes the blood and pours it and their own on a copy of the Grak'Knor that then binds them ot the service of their demonic master.   Occassionaly the Demon Lord will bestow a blessing onto the individual who performs the dark devotion. This time also allows for an individual to communicate directly with the Demon Lord and can allow them to form a pact. After doing so the member is officially known as a Warlock of their Demonic patron.
Dark Devotion
General Information
Full Name Dark Devotion to the Lord Ceremony
Type Oath Taking
Ritual Information
Material Requirements A copy of the Grak'Knor
A vial of humanoid blood
Location Information
Plane Material Plane (Nonvyrox)
Demonic Planes
Organization Bloodband


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Aug 11, 2024 20:23 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

:O Definitely some moral decay there.

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