
This article is still a work in progress. While there are many elements that are complete within it, there are many elements that need further exploration and development. In the case of this particular article, the dictionary at the end is nowhere near as full as it would need to be for the conversational language it is in the world of Nonvyrox. Additionally, the written script of the language has not yet been developed to a point where it can be used, or displayed yet. Thank you for your patience.
  Elvish, or as its known in the tounge Cavi'sol, is the language of the elves and is also spoken by most half-elves. Elvish is related to Sylvan and shares a common linguistic ancestor with Orcish. Elvish, as with most languages, eventually traces its roots back to the ancient language of Runic.  


The root Elvish language is considered to be one of the standard languages of Nonvyrox, despite being one of the oldest languages still in use. Elvish Scholars have theorised that the first forms of Elvish, known as Proto-Elvish, was created by the first Valkons and Kryl people who entered into the Fae Lands. Most of these people would eventually return to the material realm and become the first elves.   As the Elves seperated into several different groups, such as High Elves, Sea Elves, and Light Elves, the Elvish language was adapted and reformed into different dialects that would suit best the group who was using it.   In the modern day, the root Elvish language is used primarily by wood elves, though it is often used for communication between the different types of elves as the base form is taught to all elves.  


Due to the age of the Elvish Language and the seperation of the different groups of Elves, Elvish has become subject to change over generations, spawning various dialects. Most of these dialects, unless stated otherwise, use Leith'rael' as their written alphabet, though some of the diacritics have different meanings within several of the dialects.  

High Elvish

This dialect is used by high elves. The language contains only long vowels and an emphasis on the sonority of words. The more smooth and gentle the word sounds, the better.

Dark Elvish

This dialect is used by dark elves. The language often has harsh stops and a hiss that almostalways haunts the back of the voical sound as it was developed during the time when dark elves were under the influence of The Faceless One.

Light Elvish

This dialect is used by light elves. The language was strongly influenced by Al-Havemna, the language spoken by the nearby colonies in the nearby towns and cities, especially Ankh'eal.


This dialect is used by the aondra. The language was kept within the Fae Lands by the aondra and was influenced by the many dialects of Sylvan that were experienced by the early aondras.

Sea Elvish

This dialect is used by sea elves. The language was developed to be first understood underwater as sea elves were first living in this environment. However, once the sea elves started to surface, they realised that their dialect wouldn't translate directly on land, therefore they adapted the language to a more click-based language using them as additional phones to represent words that they added through their dialect.


This dialect is used by the azor-rai. The language has been influenced by the madness present within the Shadow Plane and its direct link to the Maddening Darkness. As a result, the language uses a new script called Madruk, which is designed to be an abjad, only the consonants written.


14 Words.
Language Family Elvish
Common Dialects High Elvish
Dark Elvish
Light Elvish
Sea Elvish
Script Leith'rael'
Spoken By Elves



Consonant Inventory:
m n ŋ p b t d k g f v θ s ɬ χ h r̥ r l j ʍ w
The consonants of the language focus on phones that flow and are supposed to sing. There are many which are sounds that are supposed to be more liquid than stops, giving each syllable a kind of flow to them.
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Plosive p b t d k g
Fricative f v θ s ɬ χ h
Trill r̥ r
Approximant l j ʍ w


Vowel Inventory:
a i o u aː iː oː uː ai ui au
The vowels of the language are quite simple, choosing things in primarily, pairs of pairs. One pair rounded, one pair unrounded. One pair back, One pair forwards. However, when it came to vowel height, they were chosen to represent nearly all variations to give a nice full sounding inventory. To add to this, there is a long variation of each vowel and two added dipthongs.
Vowels Front Back
Close i iː u uː
Close-Mid o oː
Open a aː
ai ui au


Syllable Structure
  1. The syllable structure is (C) (F) V (C) (C).
  2. F can be any of the following {l, r}.
  3. C contains all avaliable consonants.
  4. V contains all vowels, including dipthongs.
  5. Consonants of the same Manner, never cluster.
  6. In the Coda, consonants of lower sonority, never cluster.
m → <m>
n → <n>
ŋ → <ng>
p → <p>
b → <b>
t → <t>
d → <d>
k → <c>
g → <g>
f → <f>
v → <v>
θ → <th>
s → <s>
ɬ → <hl>
χ → <ch>
h → <h>
r̥ → <rh>
r → <r>
l → <l>
j → <y>
ʍ → <hw>
w → <w>
a → <a>
i → <i>
o → <o>
u → <u>
aː → <â>
iː → <î>
oː → <ô>
uː → <û>
ai → <ai>
ui → <ui>
au → <au>


Word Order: Object-Verb-Subject
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: Postposition


Nouns have 5 possible cases:
  1. Nominative Case: Doer of a verb
  2. Accusative Case: Done-to of a verb
  3. Genitive Case: possessor of something
  4. Dative Case:recipient of something
  5. Instrumental Case: to use something
Case Singular Plural
Nominative No Affix Suffix /-es/
Accusative Prefix: /la-/ Suffix: /-el/
Genitive Suffix: /-os/ Suffix: /-osa/
Dative Prefix: /vas-/ Suffix: /-vasa/
Instrumental Prefix: /sol-/ Suffix: /-solas/


Singular Dual Plural
Definite avâ /avaː/ rus /rus/ af /af/
Indefinite ahl /aːɬ/ dlô /dloː/ mar /mar/
  Uses of definite article that differ from English:
  • Definite article can be omitted.
  • Used to talk about countable nouns in general.
  • Used with place names.


Case 1st Singular 2nd Singular 3rd Singular (Masc) 3rd Singular (Fem) 1st Plural 2nd Plural 3rd Plural (Masc) 3rd Plural (Fem) 3rd Plural (Neutr)
Nominative Ma /ma/ Nga /ŋa/ Ras /ras/ Vas /vas/ Masa /masa/ Ngasa /ŋasa/ Rason /rason/ Vason /vason/ Irais /irais/
Accusative Lo /lo/ Vay /vay/ Wilt /wilt/ Wald /wald/ Lova /lova/ Vayara /vajara/ Wiltoru /wiltoru/ Waldama /waldama/ Cwivâssi /kwi'vaːsi/
Genitive Sni /sni/ Fui /fui/ Arîs /ariːs/ Baya /bay/ Snavu /sna'vu/ Fuila /fuila/ Arasah /arasah/ Bayrah /bayrah/ Colvali /colvali/
Dative A Rhi /a r̥i/ A Varh /a var/ A Liva /a liva/ A Lovu /a lovu/ Ana Rhiva /ana r̥iva/ Ana Varhi /ana var̥i/ Ana Livasa /ana livasa/ Ana Lovau /ana lovau/ Ana Luvos /and luvos/
Instrumental Sha /sha/ Sna /sna/ Rhu /r̥u/ Rho /r̥o/ Shala /shala/ Snava /snava/ Rhuco /r̥uko/ Rhuco /r̥uko/ Rhuco /r̥uko/


Tense Affix
Past Suffix: /-avl/
Present No Affix
Future Paritlcle: Vay /vay/ + verb

Possessive Determiners

1st Singular au /au/
2nd Singular tu /tu/
3rd Singular (Masc) rhu /r̥u/
3rd Singular (Fem) vu /vu/
1st Plural tha /θa/
2nd Plural ma /ma/
3rd Plural (Masc) lai /lai/
3rd Plural (Fem) vai /vai/
3rd Plural (Neutr) kai /kai/


Elvish has a base-16 number system.
0 - nul
1 - yar
2 - may
3 - tava
4 - bor
5 - gara
6 - punsa
7 - rivas
8 - glau
9 - thon
A - olma
B - kwiva
C - toras
D - mala
E - panga
F - plina
10 - monra
100 - govlu
1000 - airan

Writing System


See more: Leith'rael   Almost all Elvish languages use a script known as Leith'rael. This script was created at least half a century after the languages spoken form was standardized, as the Elves of different groups could not decide on the form the script would take.   The Leith'rael abugida is slightly longer than that of human languages, There are 30 unique symbols, with one for each consonant, each vowel sound and then one for a long sound modifier. The symbols of vowel sounds and sound modifiers are diacritics which are applied to the consonant symbol.


See more: Madruk   The Azori dialect uses a script known as Madruk which was developed to simplify communication and reduce time needed to be spent writing as the originators were tryinf rocommunicate with masters of their own language, but avoid the dangers of the Shadow Planes.   The Madruk script is smaller than the standard human languages and Leith'rael with 22 symbols. One for each consonant. The vowels are implied through the context of the sentence. However, some forms of Madruk utilise the diacritics from Leith'rael if they wish to.


Key: adj. adjective | adv. adverb | art. article | conj. conjunction | det. determiner | interj. interjection | n. noun | num. numeral | prep. preposition | pron. pronoun | v. verb

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