Port Shadrai

Port Shadrai, founded as Shandrai is a major port city on the Tylathoram Coast. The city is under the control of the Tylathoram Coalition, with the exception of Freestone Heights which is under the control of Vara Goldshard.


Port Shadrai is the southern-most port city of the Tylathoram Coalition and acts as almost a beacon of possibility for all. Its buildings have colourful roofs and are of vaious heights, making it seem like there is a jumble of cultures that have comprised the different elements of the city.   The city is bordered by a large exterior wall that stands around 40 feet tall. It is said that the wall blocks out much of the world, though there are seven major gates that line across the wall that allow for access in and out of the city. All these major gates have a strong Systrova presence. As the wall approaches the coastline it extends into the ocean as it slowly slopes downwards into the ocean. Before it sinks into the sea, there are two statues on either end of the wall which shows a guardian defending the city with strong armor and shields.

Points of Interest

The city is made up of five major wards, each of them having a unique perspective on the city and having their own core tenets. However, the combination of all of the wards comprises the vibrant and party atmosphere that lines the streets.

Aurora Ward

The Aurora Ward is a gated district of Port Shadrai inhabited by the nobility of the city. The district is lined by a large wall that is topped with irradescent arcane lamps that glow at night for all to see. There are three gates into the ward through this wall.

Shynath's Villa

The home and estate of the Vizier, this expansive villa is formed of several buildings made of a marble and lined with a variety of rare metals. The villa is named after its creator, an early Vizier known as Shynath. She had elegant tastes and ensured the prosperity of the city for years to come.

Decedant Estate

The Decedant Estate is a large manor house that acts as the foremost lodgings and entertainment within the Aurora Ward. Its proprieter, Jeleras Tee-al is a tiefling known for her enchanting voice and singing performance.

Augury and Alchemy

A little magic shop in the shopping district of the Aurora Ward, Augury and Alchemy is a marble buildiing that has three large pillars each carved with the names of powerful wizards who have visited or been known among the world. Inside, the shop contains a vast array of magical items, that each can be used by magical or non-magical prospecitve buyers.


Shalestone is the most populus district of the city, with several major residential areas that tower up the city. As a result, it also is the divine district of the city, containing temples to most of the worshipped deities of Nonvyrox.
Port Shadrai
General Information
Constructed 367 AR
Leader Vizier
Current Leader Vizier Sheradon Everland
Guard Unit Systrova
Location Information
Plane Material Plane (Nonvyrox)
Continent Heimter
Region Tylathoram Coast
Districts Aurora Ward
Chromalos Quay
Freestone Heights
Points of Interest Topazic Dock
Silkwyrm Tavern
Tidefall Lighthouse
Shynath's Villa
Societal Information
Population 30,655 (in 755 AR)
  • 64% Human
  • 13% Dwarf
  • 10% Grassfolk
  • 7% Tiefling
  • 6% Other Ancestries
Affiliation Tylathoram Coalition

Blessed Crypt

Both a resting place for souls who pass on in the city and a temple to Raven's Blood, the Blessed Crypt is made of a black stone and is guarded by two large raven statues. The master of the temple Elise Verental is a dark elf who performs burial rites for those who request it, though she can often be aloof and unreachable by her fellow temple workers.

Lucklight Casino

The worship of The Lady of Luck is not uncommon in the city, especially by those seeking fortunes. However, the Lucklight Casino is the largest places in the city to gamble and enjoy your stay. The entire casino is designed as a temple to The Lady of Luck as many come to develop their luck within the casino. Its proprietor The Luckmaster is a young looking air elementra who is known for his fervent worship of The Lady of Luck, and his good fortunes.


Therandor is a large market and bazaar in the city, it focuses on the sale of a large variety of wares. The entire district is cordoned off by different patrols of guards who wander around the area and protect from shoplifting and bad faith traiding.

Kalthar's Bazaar

A small market stall owned by a mystical enchanter, Kalthar's Bazaar acts a place for purchase of everyday enchanted items that can be used throughout the life of an individual within the city. Kalthar themselves chooses to remain hidden by a mask after some event that they allude to but never reveal.


The Flameguide is known for its grilled meats that are extremely nourishing and filling. In fact, the meat is enchanted to help fill an individual for a full day, whilst still tasting extremely delicate and delightful ergardless of the type of meat. The Flameguide is owned by an orcish couple, Telev and Garth.

Chromalos Quay

The Chromalos Quay is the main coast facing district in the city and acts as its nautical center. Most ships that dock in the city, and therefore many sailors travel through and stay in the Chromalos Quay. The Quay itself looks out onto Dragonspire Bay before leading out to the main Salnoque Ocean. The Quay and bay are claimed to be named after a myth where several dragons used the region where they are for their lair during the Age of Creation.

Topazic Dock

Leading into the Dragonspire Bay, the Topazic Dock is based where a Topaz Dragon is said to have once proclaimed that a dock shall be built. The dock is the main way in and out of the city by ship and has several dockhands who help ensure supplies are successfully off loaded on or off shipping vessels. The Dockmaster Ebenfall Theris is known to be tactful and ensure that all ships and colours are represented in the decisions made surrounding the dock.

Tidefall Lighthouse

On the outskirts of both the quay and the city itself lies the Tidefall Lighthouse. A beacon of light guiding sailors and other shipping vessels to the city, the lighthouse also acts a temple to Sea's Call and is overseen by Shella Moontide who acts as the temple's guardian and the lighthouse keeper for the tidefall lighthouse. Particularly, she upkeeps the blue light that shines onto the horizon that emanates from the top of the lighthouse giving it its name, Tidefall.

Freestone Heights

The only district within the city that is not owned and overseen by the Vizier and their fellow government, Freestone Heights has remained owned by the ancient high elf Vara Goldshard whose estate maintains and patrols the district, ensuring that the people are safe. The district however is known for its raucous taverns and entertainment, particularly for those who are travelling from further abroad.

Goldshard Towers

The home of Vara Goldshard and her family, the Goldshard Towers are a decadent estate that is made to hold a family of nobility. Despite this there are constantly lavish parties for those who meet the dress code or the other members of nobility who are invited from across the city. These parties are often masquerade parties that are chosen to protect the identity of the people who attend the parties. The estate itself has two large towers that are each capped by a roof made entirely of gold.

Silkwyrm Tavern

Based on the main street of Freestone Heights, the Silkwyrm Tavern is known for it constantly raucous and riotous gambling games. However the main draw to the Tavern is its large fighting pit that constantly holds tournaments. The Tavern's proprietor Silk Swandridge is a dragonborn who is also the reigning champion of the fighting pit with many opponents scared to face him and his brawling skills. The only rule of the fighting pit is: there are no rules.




Port Shandrai has a population of 30,655 as of 755 AR. The majority of the communities in the city are Human, representing 68% of the population, though this is divided between several cultural divides of people. The other ancestries breakdown in the city are as follows: 13% dwarf, 10% grassfolk, 7% tiefling, 6% other ancestries.

Notable People

Name Pronouns Description
Vizier Sheradon Everland She/They The current Vizier of the city and therefore its political leader. They are a dwarf with a thick set of tangled blonde hair and a fair almost alabaster skin. They are known for their insight and careful consideration of proposals regarding the city and how it will affect the Tylathoram Coalition on the whole.
Commandant Quenal Ultoran He/Him The leader of the Systrova, a group of skilled fighters that act as the main guards within Port Shadrai. He is a human with deep oak skin and a thick brown goatee. He is often seen walking around the city in his formal regalia, a suit of leather armor emblazoned with his station and a golden pauldron that denotes his position as the Commandant of the Systrova.
Vara Goldshard She/Her Owner and leader of Freestone Heights. Vara appears to be a human with dark walnut skin and a tangle of black hair. She has deep golden eyes that peer out on to the world. This is because she is in fact a gold dragon known as Varalthorik who is holding human form. This secret is known only by the Vizier and is the primary reason why the district is still in her control. Her hoard is kept secretly in a vault hidden under Freestone Heights, it is only accessibly from the Goldshard Towers.
Ebenfall Theris He/Him Dockmaster of the Topazic Dock, Ebenfall has been in charge of the dock for several decades and uses this wisdom to guide his staff and ensure everyone's safety when controlling the docks. He is a stout Gnome with wild white hair and a wispy moustache. He is often wearing his naval uniform which consists primarily of a blue coat and hat.
Poldaris Shodenvale They/Them A powerful wizard within the city of Port Shadrai, Poldaris is a member of the noble Shodenvale family, however unlike the rest of his family, he is a tiefling whilst they are all human.


Formed in 367 AR, Port Shadrai was the second great city of the Tylathoram Coalition and acts as its southern capital. Many people regard it as a jewel on the coast for its vibrancy and open nature, however it wasn't always that way. It is said that the city is built upon an ancient dragon lair that stems from before The Shatter. This fact wasn't discovered until 483 AR where an explorer discovered the large caverns below the city and around its surrounding bay.   In 574 AR, the many districts of the city were formed together under one banner of governance, that was the position of Vizier. However, a decision between the first Vizier Shynath Hammerston and Vara Goldshard left her in charge of Freestone Heights, the district that she had been in charge of since the formation of the city. This allowed the two to expand the influence of the city whilst still retaining the relationship between the districts. Each district was given its own Ward who would act as a representative to the Vizier and propose new ideas based on the needs of the people.


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Jul 29, 2024 23:25 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Fun article! I like all the different details about the places that can be found in each ward. I particularly like the Topazic Dock, because I love the image of a Topaz Dragon being like "And here, you shall build a dock!"

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