Qra'kovra in Nonvyrox | World Anvil


Qra'kovra is a great leviathan who is said to be sleeping under the Kyratos Sea. They are also considered a Lesser Totem with religious connections to the Karandian people.  



The Slumbering Leviathan spends its time sleeping and holding court under the ancient waves. The grand lord of the oceans snakes from the depths of Mara'kova'napa to the hills of the city of founders, with scales of mighty metal and eyes of the lightless depths. For we shall serve the mighty form of the scaled horn as long as our forms remain, and the seven eyed god can hold our form in the time of awakening.
— Translated Ancient Karandian description of Qra'kovra
  According to the Ancient Karandians, Qra'kovra resembled a grand serpent with large fins and scales holding throughout his form. They also described him as a creature with seven eyes, each of which seemed to resemble a void of infinite darkness. There are writings which describe its teeth as sharp as swords, as poisonous as a snake, and yet as charming as a Cerullian Vorfish which makes them dangerous and yet alluring at the same time.  


Within the Traveller's Grove there is an ancient tablet that reads:
Uata vako'ia mona rava toani'ao qiranu miva'ao tovana'ao pokola'ia (Void in depths look upon our home and keep us safe in your ancient water)
It has be surmised that Qra'kovra used to protect ancient waters during and before The Shatter, becoming a powerful creature in the minds of the Karandian people.   However, there are conflicting tales of ancient powers and a large sea creature that used to control the waves, particularly in the early days of the current age. One sailor's tale attributes this creature and Qra'kovra as one in the same. Qra'kovra was said to covet the Kyratos Sea as their domain, holding it close and forcing ships off their paths between the continents to keep the domain to themselves. This has led many sailors to see Qra'kovra as a mythical creature whose name alone curses a ship to be doomed in its journey.  



The exact date upon which Qra'kovra was brought into existence is unknown. Legends say that in the early days of the Dawning both Akorvis and Ilvyr combined their powers to summon the first of the Leviathans, of which it is believed that Qra'kovra is one. Some scholars write that these Great Leviathans were believed to be examples of what could be possible if the members of the pantheon combined their abilities with those of the elemental magics that were left behind after the first cataclysm, the divine fighting against the primordial forces.  

The Karandians

While the origin of Qra'kovra is unknown, its history has been fairly well documented by the Karandian people and those of their descent. There are moments that are keyed into the minds of the Karandian culture, several of which feature distinct mentions of gods, however Qra'kovra is held in many of their tales as being equal to the pantheon in their culture.   As of 743 AR there have been a number of Ancient Karandian temples and monuments which have been shown to depict Qra'kovra over the many years. One tells of a tale before The Shatter in which Qra'kovra protected the Karandian people from a strange invading fleet. The true nature as to what this fleet was is a strange mystery but highlights the presence of Qra'kovra as a guardian or protector for their worshipers.   However, while most of the found monuments indicate that all seemed well between the Karandian people and the great leviathan, the largest and most detailed tale is described in a large monument known as the Temple of Many Eyes. It is within its walls that the tale of the leviathan's slumber is written. While some have translated the work into the common tounge as best as possible, its meaning is debated as many of the phrases used by the ancient language have multiple meanings and indicate a large range of possibilities. Some of those who have written on the subject state that the leviathan was forced into imprisonment by a powerful force from within its own ranks, while others believe it was the overwhelming force of a newly freed people that worked together to enforce the slumber onto the creature. Regardless of the perpetrator of the sleep, it is indicated that the leviathan cannot be released unless a specific goal is achieved, upon which the creature will return and, once again debatedly, save or destroy the plane itself.  

Recent Events

While no sightings of the great leviathan have been made for centuries, with the last recording being dated back to the first centure within the Age of Restoration, it should be known that two major events have been attributed to the leviathan.
The first was a major underwater volcanic event that occured in the floor of the Kyratos Sea, producing a small chain of islands in the centre of the sea. This was said by several sailors to be a moment of snoring by the leviathan, specifically around a powerful arcane spell being cast within what is considered their domain.   The second major event that has been linked to Qra'kovra is the dissapearance of the Aernavis known as The Ulithrak. While some believe it travelled through strange portals into the cosmos, some scholars have written that the tales related to the Slumbering Leviathan have some correlation to the details of The Ulithrak's dissapearance. This leads to conflicting views between those aware of the event. However, the disapearance entirely of the ship has led some to understand that the ship now lies in a drowned graveyard deep in the Kyratos Sea.

A depiction of Qra'kovra from an ancient Karandor temple.
Deity Information
Type Divine Creation, Lesser Totem
Titles The Slumbering Leviathan
The Sea's Bane
The Tidebreaker
Common Symbol A curling snake forming an ouroboros with scales fashioned as a wave.
Gender Masculine
Pronouns He/They/It
Creature Type Celestial
Alignment Neutral Evil
Home Plane Material Plane (Nonvyrox)
Worship Information
Worshipers Karanda, Sailors, Merchants
Associated Domain Grave
Associated Patronage Fathomless
Great Old One
Under the Sea Flash Challenge Entry
This article is an entry to the unofficial Under the Sea Flash Challenge.

Notable Relationships

There are several notable links between Qra'kovra and mortals, but also between other powerful creatures themselves.

Kovali Mao'kuato'uivaoma

An ancient elf of Kranadian descent, Kovali is one of the few people to remember the presence of Qra'kovra and to this day still worships them as an embodiment of justice and defense. This has meant that the divine nature of Qra'kovra as a protector is upheld within Kovali's small village of Rava'koa, as such Qra'kovra is a primary deity within the village. It is believed that as a high follower of the leviathan Kovali is actively trying to release them from their prison into the waters of the ocean once again.

Ressian Fallwater

Far away in the Tylathoram Coast, the Fallwater family have kept a constant connection with a powerful force that they believe is an ocean spirit. As a result, many of the family have had strong connections with this spirit to the point of obtaining powerful magics from this force. Those who have recieved these powers become known as the Waterborn, with much of their form changing to represent the ocean itself. The Waterborn are often equated to a form of Elementra, though they are fairly distinct from it, with their powers originating from a specific source rather than the chaotic nature of the Elementra.   Ressian is a Waterborn who has taken to the Kyratos Sea in search of the spirit that grants his family their powers. Their powers, unlike their family, seem to have an origin in the storm rather than in the power of the currents. As a result they have become a coastal explorer searching for the next key to unlock their knowledge of their family history.


As one of their creators, Qra'kovra used to look up to Akorvis as their guide around the world. Not only did they provide them life but they granted them the power of the seas. This was until Akorvis' faithful followers trapped them within the eternal slumber they now face. Because of thise, Qra'kovra emplores their emissaries to destroy any of the ancient temples of Akorvis and desecrate the power of the Sea God.


Similar to his other creator, Qra'kovra for a long time seemed to have a concordant, if not positive relationship with Ilvyr. This all changed in The Shatter, where Ilvyr separated themselves from the creature whom was labelled "a disastrous failure" according to the writings found by scholars and archivists. Once this occured, it is unclear as to how further conflicts happened throughout The Shatter. It has been made known through the writings of Arcanologist Terin Vytha that Ilvyr was involved in the event which led to the slumbering state of Qra'kovra. However, even the experienced scholar couldn't say for certain how large of an influence they had during the event itself.

Character Information


There are many powers that are held by Qra'kovra as both a Great Leviathan and a Lesser Totem. The classification of these powers are so great that it is unclear where the lines that divide them occur.   Some of the known powers of Qra'kovra include:
  • Seer. Regardless of the state, it has been written that the Slumbering Leviathan is able to use part of its divinity and everknowing presence to peer into the lives of its followers. Some believe that this power was granted by one of its creators as a gift to becoming a greater protector of the oceans.
  • Fractional Powers. They are able to grant a sliver of their power to creatures. By doing so the creature is imbued with a fragment of magical powers that allow for them to become a conduit on the part of Qra'kovra.
  • Divine Magic. Due to its strange creation and more so its position as the religious symbol of Karandian people, Qra'kovra is able to work magic of a divine nature. Such magic includes the power to heal and ressurect physical presences from beyond the veil of death. However, it unclear as to how able the great leviathan can weave such magics while in the slumbering state that it now holds.

Notable Artifacts

Divine Vestements

It is unclear as to the truest nature of the Divine Vestements of Lesser Totems, as such there are scholars that have researched such items and hypothesised their existence and power in relation to the existence of other such powerful items.   Items that have been discussed as potential Divine Vestements of Qra'kovra include:
  • Blade of the Depths. It has been suggested by some Arcanologists that a blade could have been crafted from one tooth of the Slumbering Leviathan. It is unclear if such an item would be able to exist, let alone be a divine vestement. If such a blade were fashioned it has been already labelled the Blade of the Depths and would likely contain a deep and pertanent connection with the totem of which it is linked.
  • Veritha Crystals. A theoretical divine vestement that is said to be still be possessed by the Leviathan as a protective chain. The scholar who theorised its existence suggested that the crystals were fashioned by a powerful follower of Qra'kovra as a protection for their village from local pillagers hailing from across the Kyratos Sea.

Other Artifacts

There are very few other artifacts that are linked with purely Qra'kovra, primarily due to the sheer nature of the being as a lesser deity and one specifically linked to the Karandian people. Many of the relics of Qra'kovra are linked directly to the Karandian people, and as such are attributed to them rather than the Leviathan due to the nature of their creation.   There is only one artifact that is alleged to be linked purely to Qra'kovra, these are known as the Mylithas Keys. The keys are said to be linked directly to the slumbering state of Qra'kovra and how such a state can be imposed onto such a large creature. In total there exist seven Mylithas Keys, each of which contain a fragment of Qra'kovra's sleeping conciousness, while the location of these keys has been left undetermined by the powerful mages and scholars that have researched into the existence and powers of the Leviathan and Karandian people several possible locations have been identified though no such locations have been determined.  

Art Credits

Qra'kovra Main Image (Temporary) created with MidJourney   Qra'kovra Emerging from the Depths created with MidJourney   Qra'kovra Interpreatation created with MidJourney   Qra'kovra Destroying The Ulithrak created with MidJourney


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Jun 15, 2023 14:26

Thanks for taking part in the unofficial challenge!   Creativity: 5,5 Verisimilitude: 6 Presentation: 5,5   Slumbering gods are pretty cool, and there’s a lot of promise in the article about all the shenanigans it can cause in the setting, should you so choose. The notable relationships are really neat and it shows you’ve put thought into the history of the leviathan.   However, a lot of your work gets a bit lost, in particular because the majority of the sentences in this article are very long. They are pretty dense with information too. I’d consider giving the article a edit pass and see if you couldn’t split some of the longer sentences up. Give each piece of information its own space to really breathe - right now, there’s some parts of the article that just become crowded.   There are some parts of the article that feel inconsistent in how they are presented. You say that the origin of the Qra is unknown, but then explain the origin. The part with Akorvis and Ilvyr seem to confirm the origin. From what perspective is the article written, and for who is it meant?   The Recent Event part feels like it is a missed opportunity. This is where there should be a hook, a grand inciting event that something will happen, but it doesn’t really seem to do that. I’d consider thinking about what kind of long-term story you want to tell with the Qra here and use this place as a springboard to entice the readers. Make them fear the awakening Kaiju, or something fun like that!   I feel like there is something I’m missing: why exactly do some believe they travelled through strange portals and into the cosmos? If I had to guess, I assume it’s a Bermuda Triangle setup, but so abruptly introduced (knowing little else about the world: maybe such portals are common?)... It feels a little weird.   It isn’t clear to me how the Powers section is supposed to work. If it’s not that well known, as the rest of the article seems to imply, how is what powers it had known? The phrase at the end of Divine Magic seems to indicate that it can no longer do these things or at least not the magic part.   I would recommend you take an edit pass and see if you can smooth out the narrative you are hoping to have in the article. With fresh eyes, I think you’ll find it useful and something that’ll help the article grow.    

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
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