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The Raccat are a type of hybrid species that were originally bred to be assistants to those of a more stealthy nature.


Raccats are hybrids of Cats and Racoons. As such they get their appearance from both of these creatures. They retain the tails and bandit-mask of a racoon but are limited to walking on four legs like a cat. One strange quirk is that they are able to grasp objects with their tails as if they were another appendage. When on all fours, a Raccat is around 13" tall and somewhere near 40" long. They are able to clamber onto two legs for a short time to help reach items at a higher distance. The fur of a Raccat can be any combination of White, Black, Brown and Gray with a thick fur that lines all around their frame.


The Raccat is known for being stealthy and as such most of its innate abilities are related to this. While hidden it can lurch forward and strike at an individual with a stronger more accurate strike. Additionally, the Raccat is a keen hunter and can use its sense of smell to root out the location of objects and creatures more commonly. While hidden, the Raccat can make itself almost invisible from the eyes of an individal and almost obscure their glance from its position.


The first success at magically breeding a Raccat was by the Archani Conclave who attempted to breed together a Raccoon and a Cat in the attempt of making a stealthy creature. The attempt used magic to conjure a creature that was the resultant birth of the two creatures without enforcing anything on either animal. Their attempts were successful, but the mating pair that they created then had many children causing a boom in the Raccat population. By 755 AR, the creatures are a natural family of their own and they can now be found in the wild, though to this day many thieves and rangers use the creature as a stealthy companion.
Biological Information
Type Beast
Alignment Unaligned
Vision Normal Vision
Darkvision (60 ft.)
Movement Walking (40 ft.)
Climbing (25 ft.)
Abilities Keen Senses
Hidden Ambusher
Physical Characteristics
Size Tiny
Skin Colour Black
Eye Colour Red
Distinctions Bandit-Mask
Black and Grey Tail
Sociocultural Information
Plane Material Plane (Nonvyrox)
Locations Ossalimar
Environments Forest


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Aug 11, 2024 21:40 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I kind of love them, but I don't know if I would want one as a pet. Cats cause enough mischief without being mixed with raccoons, of all things. XD

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