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Care for everyone who is around you, but also know when it is time to change your leaves.
— Suvina to the Autumn Court
Suvina is an archfae of the Fae Lands, and the Mother of the Autumn Court.



Suvina is an archfey who mostly resembles a centaur. Their lower frame is that of a chestnut horse in comparable size to that of a Drakehoof Horse. Their upper body resembles that of an elven figure with a somewhat tanned skin. She has long green hair that fades to a deep orange as it reaches the floor, she is also known to wear make-up that changes colour based on her mood. Suvina often is seen wearing a thick mantle of leaves of all colours that drapes over her form, this matches with the white, green, and orange colours of her clothing. She wears a circlet of silver that is embeded with an orange gemstone.


Suvina has been described as tactical, mischevious, but importantly caring. Like many archfae, she has been known to play tricks on different individuals who enter her land. However, her main tenets have been around caring and kindness, particularly by knowing when change is important for all involved.
Character Information
Name Suvina
Pronouns She/Her
Also Known As • Lady Suvina of Kerysfall
• Mother of the Autumn Court
• Warden of Change
Creature Type Fae
Ancestry Archfae
Age Ageless
Languages Common
Place Kerysfall Fane
Connections Autumn Court
Seelie Court
Profession Leader of the Autumn Court
Status Alive


Not much is written about the domains of the Fae Lands within the mortal realm and few Archfae have been identified by mortals. Suvina is one of the discovered Archfae and is known primarily from the reports from a group of Obsidian Forge members. This group learned that Suvina is the leader of the Autumn Court, one of the minor courts that assign leaders to the Seelie Court.   The few reports of Suvina take note that she is an influential fae who has a domain that spans a vast cavern network behind a large waterfall. Suvina resides in her castle upon a tree. The third, and final, report claimed that they witnessed Suvina's tree being struck by a blighting energy.


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Sep 5, 2024 21:57 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oh no! I hope her tree is okay.

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