Veragon's Quieting


This article could contain information that people may find upsetting. Some of the content covered could be seen as similar to that of real world degenerative diseases, particularly involving memory. Please take care of yourself before reading ahead.
Veragon's Quieting, also known as the The Quiet is a form of sickness that was discovered during The Shatter and has remained through into the modern day of Nonvyrox.


The true nature as to how people first are inflicted with The Quiet is unclear. For many years it has been speculated that a person is born with the early effects of the Quiet at a young age and they are slowly under its effects over many years. However, there are many people who want to believe that its a sickness that is contractable from those who have the illness or from another tangible source.
Veragon's Quieting
General Information
Full Name Veragon's Quieting of the Soul
Also Known As The Quiet
Type Supernatural Disease
Biological Information
Symptoms Mutism
Brain Fog
Loss of memory
Transmission Unkown


The Quiet is very literal in its name. Those who are afflicted usually first show symptoms by being unable to speak at all, their body unable to produce sound when they try to. Additionally, this is often followed by hallucinations that cloud their thoughts, making it nearly impossible for the individual to communicate with telepathic means. This is furthered as the indivdual progresses, over time they become completely unable to produce a tangible thought with their mind completely fogged over. Most who are able to communicate telepathically find themselves struggling with simple words that they were easily able to describe beforehand.   Near the end of their life, a person with the Quiet can find themselves struggling to recall and recount even completely recent memories. This long and short term amnesia is very disturbing for both patient and family as they can find themselves in a position where they are confronting memories and feelings that they have not had nor remember having. Often this is a sign that the person has a limited time left before they will pass on from the mortal plane.

Notable Afflictions

This list here is a compliation of different people and places that have been afflicted by The Quiet. Each will include the date the affliction started, if it has been recorded or known.

Alva Veragon

Sometime in The Shatter
The first recorded case of The Quiet and the namesake for its research, Alva was a powerful mage in the Age of Creation who was mute from an extremely young age. At some point they made notes about the affliction that they faced and recorded this information should it become useful in the future. By the end of their life, Alva was unable to remember that they had completed this research and passed away of the affliction without finding a solution to its problem.

Mara Tonlar

745 AR
While being born much earlier, Mara only learned of her affliction in 745 AR as she had started to struggle further and further with her memory and ability to cast spells. She was once a powerful member of the Obsidian Forge, but chose to step down from her role once it was determined that she had a variation of The Quiet which allowed her to speak fairly normally. However, as time passed the affliction progressed very quickly leading to her memory and voice faltering in its entirey in only a decade.


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Jul 22, 2024 13:36 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Honestly terrifying. I can see why people would want there to be a tangible way of contracting the condition, rather than it just being inevitable.

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