Verdant Spire

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The Verdant Spire is a staff and Vestement of The Shatter. Its currently in an unknown location and hidden from divination and other scrying magics.


The Verdant Spire was crafted by followers of Starweaver to be a channel for their direct connection to the idea of the stars and draw on their gods power during The Shatter. The followers pulled a piece of a livewood tree and embedded a fragment of Verdant Stone from the domain of Starweaver, in doing so the piece of wood gained constellation like carvings deep into its bark that seem to stem together towards the shard of Verdant Stone that acts as a central star for many of the constellations.


The following properties have been writing assuming the use of Dungeons & Dragons 5e. However, the statistics can be altered to suit the usage of a variety of roleplaying systems.
Verdant Spire
General Information
Type Staff
Rarity Legendary
Materials Verdant Stone
Attunement Yes
Historical Information
Owner Tenya Querlas (formerly)


When wielded by someone attuned to Verdant Spire in its dormant state, you get the following benefits:
  • you gain a +1 to both attack and damage rolls with Verdant Spire.
  • Weapon attacks made with the Verdant Spire deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage, with an additional 1d8 radiant damage to fiends and undead.
  • As a bonus action, you can summon a font of starlight. Choose a creature you can see within 30 feet and attempt to either heal or harm them. If you attempt to heal them, they regain 2d10 hit points. If you attempt to harm them, they must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or take 2d10 radiant damage. On a successful save, they take half as much damage. You can use this feature as many times as you wish, but the dice value decreases each successive casting. All defecits revert after a long rest.


A thrum of magical potential emanates from somewhere deep inside the energies of the Verdant Spire.


A thrum of magical potential emanates from somewhere deep inside the energies of the Verdant Spire.


A thrum of magical potential emanates from somewhere deep inside the energies of the Verdant Spire.



The Verdant Spire was crafted by followers of Starweaver to be a channel for their direct connection to the idea of the stars and draw on their gods power during The Shatter. They were gifted with a vision of the Starweaver and in doing so unleashed a direct version of his power into the staff, causing it to be filled with constellations along the livewood that made up the staff. Additionally, this vision of the Starweaver embedded the piece of Verdant Stone into the spire.   Upon its creation it is said that the two shooting stars were spotted by the followers. The group went to where the stars landed on the ground and were able to place the staff on each of the two of them, in doing so the staff was infused with additional powers and started to glow gently while in their presence. The two fallen objects were eventually crafted into an amulet given to each member of the group of followers.

The Shatter

During The Shatter, the Verdant Spire was wielded by a dwarven champion of Starweaver known as Tenya Querlas, or Bright Star in Ancient High Al-Havemna. This champion was a masked figure wearing only a blank green mask filled with constellations that would glow when they struck an opponent with the divine power of the Verdant Spire.   In one of the later battles of The Shatter, it is claimed that Tenya Querlas was stabbed by a champion of the Lord of Lies, leading to the staff falling out of their hands and going missing for the next several centuries. While stories of its power has perforated into modern culture, its location and current wielder are unknown.


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Jul 23, 2024 00:00 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the origin story of the staff. It's so magical. Curious as to where it is now, for sure. :D

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