1. Eveningstar Hall
2. Lonesome Tankard
3. Orsborg’s Adornments
4. Tessaril’s Tower
5. Ruldo Stables
6. Market Square
7. Highsong Butcher
8. Ashairn’s Fine Clothing
9. Purple Dragon Barracks
10. The Old Boot - Wagons and Harness
11. House of the Morning
12. Temple Granaries
13. Temple Fields
14. Old Meg’s Hut
15. Redhand Pool
16. Deltar’s Mill
17. Hailing Hand Inn
18. South Stables
19. Golden Unicorn Inn
20. Baskar’s Pring Shop
21. The Iron Hand Smithy
22. Shen Apple Orchard
23. High Pasture (Common Grazing Land)
24. Ruins of Thaddath Farm