Accountant Profession in Numidius | World Anvil


An accountant is a tax advisor that is also an expert on dwarven trade and is permitted to act with more freedoms when regarded to the assets and properties of their clients, usually in ways agreed upon prior by contract. Becoming a professional accountants requires immense training and experience, making in an unlikely career for most of the short-lived species. It is one of the longest non-magical profession to become licensed in.



The be allowed to handle the most basic form of accounting, candidates are required to undergo 50 years of training by a reputable institution. This is followed by another 20 years of internship in a registerd firm. During their internship they are not considered licensed and are limited in the range of their actions, but even then accountants already enjoy more privileges and more freedoms than those tax advisors.

Career Progression

After completing their studies and following internship, an accountant is introduced to an 'office', usually in the firm in which they finished their internship. During their work in the office, they are charged with managing the financial assets of single organization or several individuals.   After a few more decades of gaining expertis they can eventually manage their own office, branch, or even become partners in their firm.

Payment & Reimbursement

Accountant are amongst the most well paid individual according the FCC surveys, often on par with judges, medics and the highest ranking law enforcment officers. This is mostly due to the lengthy training requirments, the high stress and extremely long hours.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572
Financial / Trade
Other Associated professions


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