Auntie Allialah Willowidow

Auntie Allialah Willowidow is an old spirit that helps those lost in the Navaran woods.


There's a patch of forest in the Navaran woods that could only be reached by following the Everrane river northwards (note that it flows east to west). In this patch lives old Auntie Allialah, an apparition of an old, benevolent witch who fed Agustin Andor when he came across her cabin; in return, he promised her that the patch of forest where she lives will always be guarded. The day of her death was a day where Agustin came by again, and he helped the surrounding townsfolk to bury her. If she is visited by a person carrying a meal for himself and her, she will bless the visitor with great luck.

Historical Basis

None. The myth was spread by a night hag, who claimed to be said witch. Whoever came to visit her fell under the influence of a poweful mind control spell; she then pupeteered the person back to his family and friends, claiming they recieved great fortune (so they must spend it elsewhere) and luck (such as finding the love of their lives, with whom they move to another village). After a few days, they returned to the patch of forest, which itself is a demiplane (similiar to how a rope trick works), where their soul was harvested by the hag.


The spread of the myth was isolated until Aliallah became greedy, spreading it further. It then caught the attention of the inquisition, which sent the Venatores Maleficarum to investigate. The powerful and weird magic insinuated there's a hag in play; with a green hag uncapable of producing a permanent demiplane, it was clearly a night hag, which got the Venatores Perditas involved as well. Realizing the myth was already too widespread, the Venatores Impius decreed the stream flowing northwards be filled with lead, sealing the only way into and out of the demiplane, trapping the souls of Allialah and a few unfortunate victims within it.
These days the myth is still widespread, however it poses no risk: with the sealing of the demiplane, it is no more than an old wives' tale.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
Circa 1100 and onwards
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