Flask of Epilepsy

The first flask of Epilepsy was invented by Zeisure Epilepsor, a Magus-Tir of the Conclave of Magi. He tried to create a light source that can shine for long periods of time. assisting in explorations of caves and mines. Unfortunately for Zeisure, upon inspecting the flask under sunlight he fell to the ground, vomiting and foaming in the mouth, dying of asphyxiation moments later. One of his assistants was present in the laboratory when the experiment took place and reported nausea and disorientation.

Manufacturing process

First, one must prepare a vacuum crystal, a costly and complicated magical process. Creating the mantle is fairly trivial but not less expansive, as it requires a single solid piece of a high metal (such as gold or platinum) to shape.
With both halves, the artificer then needs to wait for a thunderstorm and climb to a high enough location. Once a lightning strikes down, the artificer captures it into the vacuum crystal and seals it in place with the conductive mantle.
Every Flask of Epilepsy may capture different number of bolts and with varying intensities, depending on its size, materials and the capabilities of its maker.


Flasks of Epilepsy usually gifted as tokens of good luck to nobles and wealthy folks who travel the road. Flasks of epilepsy are used in various cultures in military application or even as a tool used in unique and important celebrations.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572
Flask of Epilepsy.png
Flask of Epilepsy by Ziv Mor
Item type
Current Holder
Since the creation of a Flask of Epilepsy is a highly complected and dangerous affair, most can be found carried by explorers and adventurers of noble birth or rich backgrounds.
Base Price
1500 gp
Raw materials & Components
The flask is comprised of two sections, a vacuum crystal and a conducting mantle. The mantle keeps the captured lightnings in the bottom of the flask.
Whem the user releases the mantle, the resistor is disengaged and the lightnings may shoot out of the top willingly.


Flask of Epilepsy

Generic Variant


Flask of Epilepsy.png
Flask of Epilepsy by Ziv Mor
This flask contain swirling lightnings magically encapsulated inside a vacuum crystal. When light passes trough the flask the lightnings flashes rapidly in many colors as they spins inside.

Dazzling Lights

The wielder holds the flask up an in front of a light source. All enemies in a 60 ft radius have to make a Constitution check with DC of 12 or become Disoriented for 1 minute. On a 1, the target is knocked Prone.
Non organic and blind targets are immune.

Thunder Bolt

The wielder aims the head of the flask away from them, letting a thundering lightning shoots out of the flasks head, hitting every creature in a 5 by 30 feet line. Each creature in the area of the lightning must make a saving throw with DC of 15 and takes 2d6 lightning damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one.
The flask can shoot up to 5 bolts per long rest.

Thunder Fury

If the flask breaks, whether by the wielder's intentions or not, it explode in a 60 feet radius, Every creature inside the explosion area must make a Dexterity saving trow of 15 DC and take 4d8 lightning damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one.

Weight: 1lb


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