
Slavery is one of the most controversial subjects in Edora. Much like magic, some states, religions and cultures view slavery as a violation of the natural law. Others are accepting or even outright centered around slavery, making it a centar pillar of their communities.


Salvery is as old as Edora itself. Evidence of the practice can be found all around the continent, leading researchers and archeologists to believe it was common practice up until the late 200's of the 1st Era.   In past times, the fabled Warforged where all considered slaves. The vast majority are owned by the crown, and expect for a select few in the service of the powerful dynasties of the ancient Kingdom of Darseras. Archeological findings show that warforged whould need to serve in the royal army from their creation until they were 100 years old. They were then allowed to live free inside the kingdom's borders, but they were never allowed to leave it. All warforged, regardless of origin or ownership were in service of the Darseran royal army reserves for their entire lifetime. Mostly used in case of danger to their immediate surroundings or in defense of the the kingdom borders.


In the south and east of Edora, mainly in the Vintian Imperium, Republic of Kishara and in some of the states and cities around the Agamarian Bay, slavery ic onsidered common practice. Anyone there is allowed to sell himself as a slave in return for food and shelter or for other compensations.   For example, a peasant can sell himself as a slave to a wizard in return for magical education and training of his sons. The time of service is defined beforehand and varies from years to a lifetime. Children born to a slave during their contract are considered slaves until the age of 20, when they are compensated based on the terms of their parents contract.   Slaves play prominent role in the high societies of Vintia, much like it played in ancient Darseras, with slaves often in service of nobility and officials. This proximity has caused some slave to become trusted advisors. Most slaves are treated fairly in high society, as there are complex and severe laws against cruelty in the Vintian Imperium, that bases its laws on Darseran practices. In mining camps of agriculture, slaves treatment and care depends mostly on their masters. In some places, crown officials who travel from town to town ensure the crown rules are honored while keeping the masters in check.


A skilled person, such as an expert jewler, or a famous gladiator may sell themselves as slave for a period of a few years. The reasoning could be access to exotic materials or even just entertainment, but a skilled slave is considered a luxurious possession. They are considered an honor to hold and are usually catered for all their earthly needs. As their upkeep is quite steep, their owners are held in high regard.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572

Gladiator Slave.png

A Sesaniese gladiator slave, adorn in ceremonial golden chain and markings. The chains are mostly for show, this highly respected professional will usually wear lavish clothes and eat the finest meats.


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